
Name: Lynch

Age: 27

Playbys: SIGNALIS (If used in other military RPs, discard this plot entirely)

As far as I know, this one was originally from the Empire, but let's just say that life in his later 20s didn't go so well. Heartbreak. Depression. Personal and financial issues. It was no wonder that he enlisted himself in the Empire's military through Buyan's recruitment center.

He did good as a rifleman, but something snapped in his head. PTSD aside, he also felt that something is wrong with the Empire and he felt drawn to the Eusan Nation's ideals and imagery. Long story short, he mutinied and defected to the Eusan Nation. Stole a small ship before the authorities could catch him as he left Buyan to space.

In a later time, which is now, he recently crashed into Leng, near a mining facility called Sierpinski. Armed with only a knife, and equipped with the uniform he stands in and the last few rations left in the ship, he crawled out into the snow and had been trying to sneak inside said facility for warmth.

Good luck, scum.
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1 | Mar 17th 2023 03:37
TheDevilsAngel Love signalis, I need to play more of it