A few basic plot ideas for both fandom based and non-fandom based roleplays! (These are just me scribbling down ideas, so if you would like me to elaborate on any then please don't be afraid to ask!)

• (Any Genre) SOMEONE NEW - A seemingly normal timeline is turned upside down when a new human falls to the underground. Though everything seems to be fine, it is soon apparent that this human is not like the others. Will their secrets be discovered and revealed?

• (Any Genre) REGICIDE - The unquestionable king of his dark domain, Nightmare, the Sans of negativity, rules his universe and the other Darksiders through fear and bloodlust. When a human finds themselves trapped in this domain, cornered and with no way out, what will happen to this kingdom of darkness?

• (Any Genre) NOT ON GUARD! - The grandest entertainment building around, the newly built Pizzaplex of the Fazbear Entertainment franchise sees its fair share of both guests and staff. Most staff within the grounds are a part of the dayshift security team, but when a new recruit breaks the mould, how will the family fare when a specialised engineer is added to the mix?

• (Any Genre) FOR POWER AND FORTUNE - On a famous social media site used by millions, a written game emerges, posted by an anonymous and unknown user. It is promised that whoever can win the game will be blessed with both great power and great fortune. The only thing written in the post however, is one riddle. It quickly becomes apparent that the answer to the first riddle is the answer to the location of the next riddle. As expected of such a game, the riddles are incredibly difficult, but one individual manages to crack every last riddle and reach the answer to gaining this great power. The answer to the last riddle? An address. Whether through curiosity or through the want of the prize, the individual goes to the address to find out what really lies there.

• (Any Genre) ZOMBIE GARDEN - The dreaded day of the apocalypse has plagued mankind, with zombie outbreaks occurring all over the world. But when the potency of flowers is discovered in the fight against the zombies, groups all over the globe begin to change their tactics. How will this new unexpected apocalypse lifestyle fare for the people of Earth, and what will life now hold in store for those who have taken on this change?

• (Any Genre) A LITTLE MISFIT - Many know of the Edenia legend, a myth that states somewhere out in one of the most remote parts of the world, there is a mansion, filled to the brim with all sort of creatures from every legend that you can think of. What many don't know however, is that the myth is real, and out in the remote wilds of the European Alps there is a house, one who's residents who are in the eyes of the world... a little misfit.
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3 | Jan 3rd 2022 19:59