
Op = Over powered
Oc = Original character
Ooc = out of character

* Read what I write
Should have been a pretty obvious thing to do. But sadly there are people who just skim through till they see what they wanted to (the action) and run with that small bit of information. If my writing is that boring to you, just tell me.

* Communicate
I can't tell through your writing. I don't pick up on those hits. Actually use (( to tell me what you want me to know. Such as triggers or subjects to avoid. Before the rp, I would really love it if you actually talked to me so that we are on the same page. Also it is always okay to just tell me if something is up and you can't respond for long periods of times!

*Try to match how much I write.
The minimum will always be seven proper sentences. No less. I will be calling you out if you do it more than three times in a row. Unless we agreed on something else of course. There are always exceptions.

If you get upset too easily, please don't even bother. I shouldn't have to walk on eggshells just to tell you that I don't like your character or plot. This goes vice versa, I am 100% okay with you telling me that you aren't liking something of mine. And I also expect you to treat mature topics in a mature way. Ab*use, S*xual Assault, Fighting, War, Mental Illnesses must be portrayed respectfully.

Sorry to say this, but your "anger issues" have absolutely no free passes. I will not tolerate anyone who blows up on me in a fit of rage. If I tell you that something makes me uncomfortable, you will listen. I do not feel comfortable being called slurs even if it is in a friendly way. Period. You are allowed to show that you are upset tho, just communicate it properly.

*The human rule
Both of us are human. We make mistakes. That means we both have to treat each other like humans. If you break one of my rules, I will not be upset, I will inform you though. I also hope you do the same with me. We are allowed to mess up once in a while.

Don't control my character, do not be over powered, spot light is to be shared, and you can not put what you know ooc into the rp. Me telling you my character's weakness ooc does not give you permission to suddenly make your own oc know what I just told you.

*No Negative Nancy
If you hate or dislike every single idea that comes out of my mouth, then we may either not be suitable as rp partners or you are not communicating what you want.

Neither of us should be doing all the work, in and out of rp. Both of us should be giving input and both of us should be helping the rp move forward. If something is feeling one-sided, we are both responsible for speaking up about it.

Heart this
4 | May 30th 2021 22:27