Fryda Seavant

nicknames ;; Fry
age ;; early twenties to late thirties
typical role ;; medieval ;; princess, royalty, noble

personality ;;
Possessive ▬▬ Maybe it's because she is from a huge family but Fryda has an hard time not clinging to her possessions, friends and loved ones. She has a hard time of letting things go, often threatening those who attempt to leave her in an attempt to make them stay.
Outspoken ▬▬ Fryda isn't one to keep her opinions to herself, if she feels that someone is ignoring her she grows more persistent. She feels the louder she gets the more likely she is to be heard.
Loyal ▬▬ Through and through Fryda is loyal to her father and her family. She will do what ever is necessary for their survival and safety.
Risk Taker ▬▬ Fryda has a habit of taking risks, from swinging one to many punches to being the one to starting the fight even to taking a dare from one of her many older brothers.
Determined ▬▬ Once her mind is set on something it is almost impossible to deter her, even if she is in danger nothing with push her off her path.

abilities ;;
Arms of Shadow ▬▬ Four arms act instinctively on their own to protect Fryda. They have a short attack reach.
Shadow Control ▬▬ Fryda can control the shadows around her, make them into different shapes
Shadow Walking ▬▬ Fryda can walk between locations by using the shadows. She must known the area she is walking to.
Shadow Minions ▬▬ Using the shadow she can make constructs that can fight for her. They can be destroyed with light.
Shadow Talk ▬▬ Using the shadows she can issues orders to her Horsemen.

Fright ▬▬ Even for certain family members Fryda has an odd feeling that she gives off, scaring those around her.
Beast Taming ▬▬ Having a natural talent for taming wolves and crows, Fryda has trained with some masters to hone her skills.
Heightened Senses ▬▬ Each one of her senses are heightened. She is stronger and has more stamina than a mortal
Drawing ▬▬ Fryda has a natural talent for drawing. She can draw someone fairly spot on.
Weapons Training ▬▬ Like most in her family she has a natural talent for weapons.

basic background ;;

When Alessia gave birth to her ninth child it was a moment of celebration for she had finally gotten her wish, a sweet baby girl after 8 rambunctious boys. Growing up Fryda went without nothing, she spent almost all of her time at her mother's side learning how good life can be. These were simple times it was before anyone knew what the little girl could do. When she wasn't spending time with her mother she was playing games with her siblings one of these games was hide and seek, a game that Fryda always seemed to somehow win. It took a few years for them to find out that the girl had the ability not only able to walk through the shadows [which she would constantly use to hide] but to morph them as well. This was one of the first times she felt the love her father had for her, after asking her to demonstrate her walking powers he laughed scooping her up telling her that she had a beautiful gift. Days later her training begun, against Alessia's wishes who claiming that the 10 year old was too young to do such things but her words fell on deaf ears. For the next few years Fryda honed her skills, both in her shadow ability but as well as her weapon ability. In this time she begun to spend less time with her mother and more with her father and the many masters that he brought for her and the other children to learn from. Shortly before her 14th birthday Alessia fell ill. Fryda took off from training to spend the last few months her mother had left. The mourning was short lived though as a day later along with her father and 8 older brothers they laid her to rest in one of the many temples that made up Halliah Island where all the Demon King's wives went to rest for eternity.

Fryda dove into training once more with more of a determination than before and it was this determination that led her to feel the affection of her father once more. It had been a few years since he started given her small missions to do for him, spy here and there gathering information for him. The night of her 17th birthday her father gave her one of the most precious gifts that she ever received. Fryda was to gain control of the Horsemen from her father. Since then she has been part of her father's elite circle, commanding a grand army of assassins
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1 | Feb 6th 2021 14:50