Nicole Halliwell-Salvatore

Name: Phoenix Nicole Halliwell-Salvatore

NickName: Nikki, Nic, Small Fry, Princess

Birthday: September 13th


Age Apperance: 21



Hair Color:Dark Brown

Eye Color:Green


Relationship Status: Married @Reckless_EternalStud

Speices:Human witch (Formally) Vampire Heretic (Currently) Doppleganger (Currently)

Powers:Immortality, Speed, Strength, Compulsion, Orbing, Vanquishing, time freezing.

Verses: Charmed, TVD, TO.

Quotes:"My last name is Halliwell that makes me a target"

"Is it just me or does it seem like the past three years have been nothing but a blur"

"No correction I was married to Damon for years.. It's just.. Honestly I have no Idea what happened.

"She's a whore don't take her word"

"What the hell! why is she calling me? we're not friends?!"

"You lay a single hand on my children and I PROMISE YOU you will not live to see another day"

Piper Halliwell-Mother
Leo Wyatt-Father
Wyatt Halliwell- Sister
Chris Halliwell-Sister
Prudence Halliwell-Aunt
Phoebe Halliwell-Aunt
Paige Matthews- Aunt
Patricia Halliwell-Grandmother
Penny Halliwell- Great Grandmother
Damon Salvatore- Husband
Damien Salvatore- Son
Piper Salvatore- Daughter
Demetrius Salvatore-Son
Stefan Salvatore-Brother in law
Caryle Salvatore-Nephew
Gray Adison-Son in law
Damien Adison-Grandson
Alarik Adison-Grandson

BackStory:There’s sooooo much that goes into her lmao just ask me at this point xD

Theme Song:"How soon is now" by Love Spirit Love

Face Claim:Lucy Hale
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4 | Jan 13th 2021 23:11