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21 / Male / Single
Ginza, Conception World - Japan
"The body of a demon but the heart of a human, I shall dub thee Demi-Fiend!"

Hello there, I'm Vhrollo and I like really like RPGs especially JRPGS with one of my favorites being Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne with the Demi-Fiend center stage of his hellish world. I have been roleplaying for a few years now so I like to think I'm an alright writer. If you have any other questions you're welcome to DM them to me and I'll be happy to respond.

Due to certain things I'm gonna need to add rules and disclaimers:

1. No one under 18, Shin Megami Tensei is a series that isn't made for kids at all having themes of violence and other graphic content.

2. Shin Megami Tensei takes from many different religious figures for their characters and storylines including Christianity so if that kind of thing bugs you I'm sorry.

3. Please do not ask for my socials unless I have known you for awhile and we've become good friends.

4. The last and final rule... have fun!

Start roleplaying with members like Demi-Fiend!



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