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(Wei Ying Wuxian)
27 / Male / Single
ꗥAt best, He's the untamed hero at worst, He offends people wherever he's going.ꗥ
Wei Ying / Wuxian

ꗥ Cultivation Rules of the Yiling Patriarch ꗥ

Wei Ying, known far and wide as Wuxian, is a wanderer of the realms and a seeker of adventure. With a mischievous grin and a twinkle in his eye, he traverses the lands in search of excitement, camaraderie, and the thrill of the unknown. Armed with his trusty flute Chenqing, Chenqing weaves enchanting melodies that echo through the valleys and forests, captivating all who hear them. Titled the infamous Yiling Patriarch, Wuxian carries the weight of his title with a mixture of pride and humility. Though his name may be whispered in hushed tones by some, to others, he is an untamed hero, a beacon of hope in dark times. Well, in some folk's mouths anyway~ To some, he is a living nightmare cursing him wherever his path leads him. Wuxian leaves a lasting impression on all who cross his path. Whether he's sharing a tale around the campfire or leaping into battle against formidable foes, his presence is felt far and wide.

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About The Writer
Welcome to my little corner, a realm where the threads of sagas form incredible tales and the roots of fantastical worlds intertwine. ~ I cherish the art of storytelling and writing like many, I weave stories that travel diverse landscapes, exploring the unknown realms of creativity and imagination. With some decent years under my sleeve, I revel in crafting narratives that blend the supernatural, suspense, fantasy, and more. Like a delicate flower, romance can blossom in unexpected places, and connections can deepen over time.

Sadly I can be gone for a few days during weeks because of a busy schedule called life, but expect my penchant for detail in my narratives. No mere one-liners here, each response is a tapestry of words, carefully woven where the characters breathe life into the fantastical landscape. However, no Novella, I can not add to my schedule, and it takes me some time.

Let the quill dance, the ink flow, the melody will weave itself..

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