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119 / Male / Single
New Zealand

Welcome to my profile
> insert witty joke here <

Guess I should tell you some stuff so we can write something together.
So sit down and get comfy, there's gonna be a list.
I know, we all hate lists.

Things about the writer behind the screen:

➤ Novella length
(Typically. I can tone it down. I prefer quality over quantity, too. But I can't work with One-Liners or single Paragraphs.)

➤ Descriptive + Experienced Role-Player
(Just here to sink my teeth into some good stories)

➤ Semi-Selective

➤ World-building friendly

➤ Multi-Character account
(The characters who have my current muse are up on the profile blogs. But I can, and will, offer you other characters if I feel they may suit/I feel I can use them)

➤ OOC you can just refer to me as Void.

Genres I do well with:
➤ Fantasy
➤ Action
➤ Crime
➤ Gore
➤ Dark
- All with a bit of romance thrown in;
But I don't generally focus a plot directly around the axis of romance

(Are we compatible roleplay partners?)

(Need help getting around?)

: ̗̀➛ Important notes;
➛ I don't put all the info and lore on my blogs about my characters because I like to keep it brief. These are original characters, with lore I have worked on for years, so I don't just leave it floating about on the net.

➛ I don't make my age public knowledge, but if you'd be more comfortable knowing, DM me and ask, I will give you an honest answer. (But yes, this here guy is adult aged. I do the boring adult things like pay bills and drink tea)

➛ DO NOT approach me purely for "mature" themes. I will dabble in those if they happen organically in a roleplay, but I ain't here to give you, your fill.

If you've made it this far down, I wish I could give you an award, but all I have is: Thanks.


Start roleplaying with members like The_Void!



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I wouldn't say I'm cranking out replies, but they're rolling out like an old man shuffling out of the resthome XD

Bump me as a reminder if you feel the need, I never mind that.
Meanwhile, an appreciation post for Gallion - cause I be working on a reply for him and he deserves the love! ;)
6  9 hours ago

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