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22 / Female / Its Complicated
^v^ Hello! I'm on this site to embark on captivating adventures with people who are passionate and enjoy writing just as much as I do.

Although I am perfectly fine with getting to know people and answering little questions someone may have for me, I am not interested in developing any intimate relationship whatsoever. I'm only accepting strictly platonic relationships, please respect that :D

Few things about me regarding my messages:

• Trust that my first message to you will be regarding details of a possible rp, this is why I'm on this site to begin with. However, if you wish to touch upon casual conversation in the midst, that's fine^^

• I'd prefer to discuss details and plan out our rps before actually starting it, I know some people jump right into it, first message, but I can't. T_T (N$fw is iffy, though I'll be willing if there's a decent plot leading up to it.)

• Please don't ghost me. If you don't feel like talking to me or continuing our rp, just say so. I will do the same :D

• If you've been gone for some time and I haven't heard anything regarding your absence prior to this, I'll send out a little bump message! These are just to see if you've forgotten about me (sometimes I forget) and if you're doing well. Just checking up.

Note that my bump messages are not to push you to do anything you don't want to. If you need a little break, don't feel like talking, etc, I'm perfectly fine with that. They're not meant to put any negative pressure on you whatsoever, they're just to see if all is okay! If you need time away, take as much time as you need! ^-^

• My posts tend to get rather long, with an average of 500 - 1000 words. If you can't write that much, no worries! I'll be happy to accommodate with shorter posts. However, I will not do one liners :/

I also have Discord if ever you would rather contact me through there than on this site. I understand that refreshing for notifications here can become quite tedious so, feel free to message me for my acc info!

That's all off the top of my head, though I'll be sure to add more to this over time! Thank you for reading <3333

[ Active Roleplays - 8/15 ]

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RolePlay asked the question
Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. Yes, I did!
 May 18th 2023 23:04

Latest Comments

As one God among men once said, 'What a shame.... He was a good man. What a rotten way to die.'

Okay, Carla. You've sold me on it. I surrender. This girl here is a genius when it comes to writing, and painting too! You know when you're slowly led into a puzzle, but that puzzle leads you down a rabbit hole, so deeply intricate. One that you don't want to get out of? Yes, that is how I feel when I am typing a story with this girl.

For beginners, Carla is exceptional. A formidable partner, able to understand the fundamentals of the proposed concept, give her own unique touch, and helps you expand upon that concept. The first time I wrote with her, I was baffled. The next post was even more impactful. This led to a joyous tug-of-war to see who was able to be the more creative and have the most joy amongst our posts.

Being clever, direct, imaginative, and open to the strangest aspects of the human mind, our Horror piece is being crafted into a throne of gold. I simply love playing with her. There isn't a single moment when she does not make me laugh or cry.

I couldn't recommend it more: 11/10 - and a big hug, to my future professional writer.
Jul 1st 2023 21:00