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Kombative_Witcher's Blog

Wild Injustice (DC COMICS tie-in plot)

Raiden makes a desperate gamble to save Earthrealm by seeking the aid of the Justice League. However, his plan backfires when the Joker manipulates events to pit the heroes against each other in a deadly tournament. Liu Kang and Kitana must navigate the chaos alongside Batman and Wonder Woman to uncover the truth behind the Joker's scheme. Superman falls under the influence of a corrupted Shinnok, turning him into a tyrant ruling over Earthrealm with an iron fist.

Poison Ivy gains control of Outworld's forests, using her botanical powers to overrun the realm with deadly flora. Cassie Cage is manipulated by Harley Quinn into believing that the realms need to be purged of their current order to achieve true freedom. With her sense of justice twisted, Cassie becomes an agent of chaos, leading a joint assault alongside Harley on both Mortal Kombat and DC worlds. Meanwhile Geralt of Rivia is pulled into the chaos, seeking answers in this new reality as he investigates the strange occurrences, uncovering a plot by Quan Chi to enslave souls for his own army of revenants.
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0 | 0 Comments | Mar 3rd 2024 02:45

Deadly Love (short story)

The rain poured down relentlessly, each drop a heavyweight champion striking the earth with an unyielding force. It was as if the very sky itself wept for the pair beneath it, their hearts as heavy as the droplets that pelted their faces. Geralt of Rivia, his features etched with a weary resignation, squinted through the downpour, searching the horizon for any sign of the elusive female ninja he seemed to encounter at every turn. He had no idea why fate kept throwing them together, time after time, in these brutal Mortal Kombat tournaments, but he couldn't deny the strange pull he felt towards her.

As if summoned by his thoughts, a flash of movement caught his eye. There, amidst the sea of green and gray, he spotted her: the female ninja, her dark hair plastered to her head, her clothes clinging to her body like a second skin. He felt a strange mix of relief and trepidation wash over him as he began to make his way towards her, his footsteps slow and deliberate.

When he finally reached her side, she didn't look up, her gaze fixed on the rain-slicked grass beneath her. Her shoulders were hunched, her hands clenched into fists as if she were bracing herself against some unseen force. He knelt down beside her, the wet earth soaking through his pants, and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "It's me."

She turned her head ever so slightly, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before darting away again. He could see the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, and his heart ached for her. He knew they could never bring themselves to take the killing blow on each other, no matter how much it might seem like the easy way out. And yet, here they were, stuck in this endless cycle of pain and loss.

Carefully, tenderly, he reached out and cupped her face in his hands, lifting it towards him. Rain dripped from his beard and mingled with her tears, but he didn't care. All he cared about was making her feel a fraction of the comfort he felt whenever he was near her. As their lips met, a shiver ran through them both, and for a moment, he could almost feel the weight of the world lift from their shoulders. But he knew it was only temporary. Soon, they would be back in the arena, fighting for their lives, and the pain would return. And yet, for this brief instant, they could forget about everything else and just be together.

Her hands slowly rose to his chest, clinging to his wet armor, and he could feel her heart racing against his own. He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of her warmth, her strength, her fragility. The rain continued to fall, a relentless drumbeat that seemed to echo their own desperate hearts. But for now, they were safe. They were alive. And in this moment, that was enough.
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2 | 2 Comments | Feb 11th 2024 08:50

Hyverion Vales (custom Mortal Kombat realm)

Hyverion Vales, a sprawling technologically advanced city where science and magic intertwine to create a realm of wonder and mystery. Hyverion Vales is a land of contrasts.

The inhabitants of Hyverion Vales are diverse as some are skilled practitioners of arcane arts, harnessing the power of ancient runes and sigils to manipulate the elements. Others are pioneers of technology, engineering marvels that defy the laws of nature.

In the bustling city that sits in the middle of a mountainous landscape along a streaming river, towering skyscrapers blend seamlessly with ancient temples, and bustling marketplaces are filled with the chatter of merchants selling exotic goods from distant lands. Sky cruiser ships zoom gracefully through the sky, their engines quiet in the wind as the zero point energy that's powering them as they ferry passengers to far-off destinations.

Outside the city walls, adventurers brave the untamed wilderness, seeking out hidden treasures and battling fierce creatures that lurk in the shadows. They are guided by maps and legends passed down through generations, uncovering secrets long forgotten by time.

Life in Hyverion Vales is a delicate balance between tradition and innovation, magic and technology. It is a world where anything is possible.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 9th 2024 04:39

Souls & Swords (soulcalibur tie-in plot)

Shinnok's Amulet and Soul Edge resonate in an unprecedented cosmic alignment, causing a rift that merges the realms of Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur into a nightmarish amalgamation. The fusion of these worlds brings forth deadly combinations of realms, landscapes, and creatures, threatening the very fabric of existence.

The Lodge of Sorceresses, recognizing the catastrophic potential, enlists Geralt of Rivia to track down and neutralize both artifacts. As Geralt traverses the merged realms, he encounters familiar faces and challenges, including warriors from Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur forced to fight side by side or against each other.

Geralt discovers that the merged realms have spawned a new, malevolent entity born from the union of Shinnok's dark magic and the demonic power of Soul Edge. This entity seeks to harness the combined might of both artifacts to become an unstoppable force, capable of reshaping reality according to its twisted desires.

To thwart this impending doom, Geralt must navigate the treacherous landscapes, facing powerful adversaries and solving puzzles that blur the lines between Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur lore. The Lodge of Sorceresses guides him, revealing ancient rituals to counteract the artifacts' influence.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jan 14th 2024 08:11

The Witcher X Mortal Kombat Plots

• The Forbidden Love •

Geralt is hired to protect a mysterious noblewoman who turns out to be Princess Kitana in disguise. She's fled from her world due to political turmoil and assassination attempts. As Geralt escorts her through various dangerous territories, they form a deep connection, but their love is forbidden due to Kitana's royal status.

• Ciri's Dual Heritage •

Upon encountering a mysterious artifact, Ciri's powers unexpectedly transport her to the realm of Edenia. There, she discovers the truth about her lineage — she's not only a descendant of the Elder Blood but also possesses Edenian royal blood. As Edenia's long-lost heir, she's destined to take the throne and unite her people. However, the realm is in turmoil. Kitana, the previous ruler, has been overthrown by the combined might of Shao Kahn and Mileena from Outworld. Ciri's arrival sparks hope among the Edenian resistance, and they rally behind her to reclaim their realm. To do so, Ciri must train under the guidance of Earthrealm's warriors, including Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage, in order to master her newfound Edenian powers.

• Bloodbound Alliance •

In a desperate bid to strengthen Outworld's forces, Skarlet seeks out ancient relics that are said to amplify her blood magic. During her quest, she stumbles upon the legend of Dettlaff, a vampire whose raw power could turn the tide in the battle against Earthrealm. With a common goal in mind, Skarlet forms an uneasy alliance with a group of sorcerers who share her desire for power. The sorcerers, intrigued by the idea of controlling a resurrected vampire, guide Skarlet in performing the intricate blood magic ritual needed to bring Dettlaff back to life. However, the process is not without risks, and as Dettlaff is revived, his vampiric instincts and desire for revenge threaten to spiral out of control.

• The Tarkatan Exodus •

The Tarkatans, a vicious and mutated race, have long suffered from the Tarkat Virus, a mysterious ailment that has plagued their kind for generations. It causes uncontrollable rage and physical deformities, making them feared and shunned by other races. In their search for a cure, a group of Tarkatan survivors stumbles upon a cryptic reference in an ancient text that suggests a cure might exist in the distant land of Velen, a place known for its powerful and enigmatic magic. Driven by desperation, they embark on a perilous journey to Velen, braving hostile territories and facing numerous challenges along the way. Meanwhile, word of their quest reaches Geralt of Rivia, the renowned Witcher. Geralt, intrigued by the possibility of helping the Tarkatans and seeking to understand the origins of their curse, decides to join their quest.

• The Vampire's Haven •

After a brutal confrontation with two formidable beasts, Geralt is left on the brink of death. Unexpectedly, Nitara, a vampire with a mysterious past, intervenes and saves him. She takes him to her secluded hideout, a hidden oasis of tranquility amidst the chaos of their worlds, to heal. As Geralt's wounds mend, he and Nitara engage in deep conversations, sharing stories of their lives and revealing their vulnerabilities. They develop a strong bond, but they soon discover that a powerful enemy is tracking Nitara, and their newfound sanctuary may not remain safe for long. Together, they must confront their pasts and protect their shared haven.

• The Riftkeepers' Dominion •

In a bid to seize ultimate power, a clandestine group of mages known as the "Riftkeepers" merges Outworld with Novigrad and names this new mergence "Noviworld". The collision of these two worlds results in a chaotic blend of technology and magic. The inhabitants of both worlds struggle to coexist. Simultaneously, the ruthless gangs and factions formerly from Novigrad seek new opportunities for power. Meanwhile, the Riftkeepers enforce their rule, making it nearly impossible for anyone to challenge their newfound dominance.

• Witcher's Wickedness •

Geralt of Rivia encounters a mysterious black mirror during one of his quests. Unbeknownst to him, the mirror is a relic with dark powers that corrupt the minds of those who gaze into it. Slowly, Geralt begins to succumb to the mirror's influence, and his actions become more ruthless and malevolent. As the corruption intensifies, he catches wind of Shao Khan's plans to conquer other realms. Drawn by the promise of power and the desire to establish a new order, Geralt forges an alliance with Shao Khan as they become a formidable force to be reckoned with. But behind Shao Khan's back, Geralt indulges in a affair with Sindel. Plotting with Sindel to exploit the Emperor's weaknesses, their clandestine romance becomes a tool to manipulate Shao Kahn, leading to a dramatic betrayal that sees Geralt and Sindel seizing control of Outworld.

• Monsters & Magic •

Ambushed by mysterious creatures, Sonya Blade and Jax Briggs sustain grave injuries which they barely manage to survive. Having a pressing need to uncover the origins of these new threats, they delve deeper into their investigation. They uncover a shocking alliance: the notorious Black Dragon Clan has partnered with the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, a group of mages thought to have been eradicated following their conflict with Nilfgaard. Together, these dark forces are working on a sinister project—to create a new species of hybrid monsters, combining the deadliest traits of both worlds. Realizing the gravity of the situation and the unique nature of these hybrid monsters, Sonya and Jax decide to bring in an expert in dealing with such deadly creatures. They turn to Geralt of Rivia, a seasoned Witcher renowned for his unparalleled skills in monster hunting. After much persuasion, Geralt agrees to join the Special Forces. As he teams up with Sonya and Jax, they embark on a perilous mission to thwart the Black Dragon Clan and the Brotherhood of Sorcerers' nefarious plans.

• The Prophecy of Armageddon •

In the mystical Temple of Argus, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer, Ciri, and Triss Merigold receive a dire warning from the enigmatic Delia and Argus. The temple's ancient scriptures reveal a looming catastrophe known as Armageddon, a convergence of warriors from countless worlds all set to gather in one place and battle it out for a chance to attain ultimate power. The battle between all these warriors will unleash chaos and destruction upon the universe. Delia and Argus implore the four of them to prevent this apocalyptic scenario. Tasked with a critical mission, Geralt and his companions must journey through treacherous realms to locate Blaze, a powerful interdimensional being whose actions could trigger Armageddon. Along the way, they face challenges, form alliances, and uncover long-buried secrets, all while racing against time to avert the impending doom.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 14th 2023 01:59