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Comments for Jess1

Perfectman Exactly although I'd still be happy to see a part 2 just question is whether keeping same cast would make sense x
Perfectman I feel it had a perfect ending if they won't continue, it's not like they left a huge cliffhanger or anything at the end of the movie x
Perfectman For us yes, for the actors well... depends if it flops they won't like it as their pay relies on success of the movies especially someone like Dwayne Johnson as I'm sure he got a clause % per certain amount of profit being made x
Perfectman Hopefully they won't wait too long with making the move as making a movie usually takes about 2 years at least x
Perfectman Don't blame ya good movie still gutted they didn't done a part 2 x
Perfectman Still San Andrea's or something else got added to the playlist? x
Perfectman Oh and let's not forget the other habit the movie in the background x
Perfectman Unfortunately I don't possess that ability. Its my knowledge of you and things you do routinely hun that's how I know x
Perfectman Hope you didn't forgot to have your morning cup of coffee ;) x
poised Lets hope so, haha :')