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Disaster's Blog

Vision of the Past, part 1.

Escaping from the cave, they split in the wide forest surrounding the place. A few remain with Min, trusting her enough to follow to a temporary hideout.
After bringing them there, she heads back, not forgetting her people. She wants to fight too. On her way though, she comes across the worst. Zhuliu. They had already met him in Sect Zhi, one of the most loyal guards of Chao.

They have a fight. Min overpowers Zhuliu, knocking him down after a harsh battle. When she is about to finish him, he grabs her by neck, starting to use his power on her. She starts to feel terrible pain, as if he was tearing her apart and breaking her bones.
She breaks free from his grip, feeling extremely weak. She coughs hard and trembles, being unable to fight; she eventually collapses. Zhuliu flees, sure she is dead.

She remains there till it gets dark, hidden in the thick flora. She doesn't manage to move or speak but she realizes when she starts being carried by someone. She can't recognize the power inside people anymore and doesn't manage to tell if it's friend or foe. She looses her consciousness again as they teleport.

She is awaken after hours with a splash of cold water. She is tied to a wooden pole and as she looks around, she realizes she is in a completely different place, they are on a ship. Heat too strong to be Xhuanghen in that period of the year. About 20 people around her, having all the look and attitude of fanatics. It is unclear who they are, if from a clan, sect or yet something else but they have eastern traits.
"Wake up, scum!" They throw another bucket of water at her. "We are almost there...she has to open us the way."
She can't break free nor fight but she doesn't like the situation at all. It gets only more worrying as she recognizes the island they are approaching to.

Wild and savage, beyond the habitated territories of Alamahor. A forest incredibly thick and dark. Hidden curses on every side.
They take a boat and all move to the shore with her. They drag and kick her to go faster but she can barely stand. They whip her too.
It takes an entire day to reach the place. The Temple of Fiared, sealed by the curse of Zivhur. She knew already it was the way for that place, even too well.
They push her in front of the door and she falls on her knees.
"You are the Knight of Fiared and Zivhur! Open this door!"
Min starts to chuckle and cry at the same time, desperate and defeated. "Why do you think I can?"
"You are the Guardian of the Core! You have to let us in or you won't live!"
"Aniyo...I am not..." She has realized from before what's the situation with her powers. She doesn't feel them anymore, not even her cloth. "I'm nothing..."
One of them grabs her by hair. "LIAR! DO IT, DO IT NOW!"
Min doesn't do anything at all, remaining on the ground. They try to break the seal of Zivhur but without success.
They start to mess up with the seal and the curses all around. Nothing opens that door and they get angry.
"What's are you trying to do..." She asks, panting.
"This is the entrance for the core. Our beloved lord has to take it over, so you'll have to open it or we'll use your blood."
"It wouldn't work either..." Again her desperate and exhausted chuckle. "It won't open. It just won't, if you are not worth the favour of Fiared..."
He grabs her by neck and lifts her up. "We'll open it. We'll burn it all down if necessary." He pushes her against the entrance and decides to tie her up. "Burn this entire forest, then destroy this door!" He orders his followers. They prepare several fire talismans on trees, also one on Min, and done that, they teleport to the shore before talismans activate and start to burn. Flames spread really fast and the fire is magical, so, much stronger than average. Forest falling into ashes.
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 23rd 2021 06:03

Imperial Guards

Shin is home, reading in her study. Servants are taking care of the house. Everything is peaceful, but the weather doesn't look the best, it is about to rain.
Min is not home yet. She is buying something in the nearby village.
When they arrive, she is still not home. Shin opens the door herself.
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2 | 24 Comments | Mar 22nd 2021 13:35

Powers, can and can't.

Fiared - Zivhur

Powers: talismans, creating old and new without needing to write them down, working a bit like curses.

- technique allowing to use pieces of paper, see, hear, speak through them; she needs no paper and creates a little dragon figure for the purpose.
- for a short time, she can control people, always through talismans;
- she can empower her armors, weapons and attacks, making even special martial arts techniques extremely deadly;
- she can sense different kind of magic, even inside people;
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 20th 2021 15:13

Vision of the Past.

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0 | 0 Comments | Mar 20th 2021 03:59


Time: 9am - 1pm, 16 hours per week.
Days: 1-4.
Location: House of Raven.
Subjects: Art of war (2h), Calligraphy (3h), Characters (2h), Principles (2h), Martial arts (2h), Basic maths (3h), Literature (2h).

Day 1.
Martial arts.
Art of war.
Basic maths.

Day 2.

Day 3.
Martial arts.
Art of war.
Basic maths.

Day 4.
Basic maths.
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1 | 3 Comments | Mar 18th 2021 15:28