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Disaster's Blog

Sky Dragons?

She is explained by WuXin about the Sky Dragons. He is more worried than her about it. "You can think about it. We will find more informations. I thought about you because of your core...I am confident it could awaken it, even if redirecting it to something else."
"Don't worry, WuXin. I am willing to try even if it turns out dangerous. I wouldn't know what else to do, I was already about to throw away all my hopes left..." Min says, lowering her gaze.
WuXin pats her shoulder gently. "You don't need powers to be can get up and continue to show who Huang MinShu truly is."
"Who am I..." She shuts her eyes.
"A wonderful, pure, strong and amazing woman, that's who."

After the talk, they head to the Palace. Meanwhile he sends Qi to find out as much as possible about Sky Dragons in Shiinden.
First, they share with a small group what they found about the origins and the connection with Xuanghen.
Min is given something like a pearl and she eats it, falling asleep not long after.

Race: Sky Dragons;
Special features: - they can show and hide all features - dragon traits such as back and head 'horns', scales, three claws per hand;
Skills: Innatural strength, innatural resistence - dragon skin - , levitating, more according to the SD;
Particular traits: Cold blood, claws and scales summoning, they embody every element but focus on a particular one in training, strongest and most trained can change into dragon form eventually - chinese like - , they tend to like the light of the sun, they can absorb magic from many different things without effort.
Creation: Fiared;
Feed: Magic;
Homeland: Muxian;
Stronghold: Ziyou, base surrounded by a very thick and tall wall.
Downsides: they risk to absorb too much magic from people or things, destroying them.
Foes: Kral;
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3 | 0 Comments | Aug 5th 2021 15:21


After meeting Shotaro and finding out he'd like to get to know Itachi. Who better than his mentor for the purpose. Min asks WonPil to have a meeting, only them three at first to be explained. It happens outside Shiinden and at the end of it, WonPil brings there Itachi. Expensive restaurant, private room. Min remains with Shotaro and waits for the two to arrive. "Do you want to start checking the menu? Don't worry, it'll be totally fine!" She tries to keep him reassured and positive.

Meanwhile Itachi is not yet sure what is going on and why WonPil brought him there, making him dress decently too. He looks around in the place, surprised at every little thing as he has never been in such a place in Xhuanghen before.
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1 | 37 Comments | Jul 16th 2021 15:11


She continues to meditate a lot and try to awaken her core. Days without nothing, or only small sparks, but she doesn't want to give up.
She decides to leave Shiinden and go to a place she likes and deems relaxing, to mediate properly.
She remains for a few hours out in the forest near her old house, where they lived before the death of her father, and it gets a bit late, around 9pm. She is wandering around, wanting to ask someone to teleport her home as she can't find a teleporter.
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1 | 39 Comments | Jul 13th 2021 15:18


What a disappointment. She went with good intentions, also too hopeful probably, but it didn't end well. She still can't believe how changed he is but she can't help but think about the past, what they went through together.
She remains in her home, sat on her bed in front of the mirror, lost in her thoughts, heartbroken. "How are you able to make me feel so little and unconfident?" She mutters with tears in eyes. She tends not to be bothered at all but most nasty things, said by someone important to her like Ning, left their mark.
She doesn't show up in Shiinden for a few days, she doesn't contact anyone, not in the mood.
She heads to the city to buy supplies for her home. She is buying ingredients at the market.
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1 | 39 Comments | Jun 4th 2021 14:13


She heard from WuXin eventually what's with WuNing. She sees it a bit like a defeat and a huge disappointment to know, but she wants to follow the suggestions of Christoph and avoid to stress him out further with that matter. To do that, she also decides to do something.

She asks WuXin to teleport her to WuNing's manor. She brought with her a bottle of good liquor with her, that she likes a lot. She is not sure about his tastes, since XueBao never drank any alcohol.
She knocks at the door. She wears one of her usual outfits, red and purple.
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1 | 37 Comments | Jun 2nd 2021 12:33