Nova Winters (Crime, Modern)

Doctor Winters- that's mostly the name she is known as. Nova is a girl of science- there is nothing in this world she enjoys more. Specifically, she wanted to be an engineer. So, she went to college and studied... A bit too hard and by the time she was done, and it was all over, she ended up with a PhD in physics and no job experience when she graduated college.

But, as this would be a common theme in her life going forward, she was unlucky. She couldn't get a job, largely due to overqualification, and an unlucky time to graduate college- the job market needed to be better in her field for entry-level positions at this time.

But she needed to put food on the table somehow- so, at age 25, she reluctantly, became a teacher. She didn't hate it- at least it gave her experience in her field. But it wasn't pushing her career forward- she was stagnating, greatly underpaid for her skills, and she wasn't doing very much meaningful work.

7 years flew right by in the blink of an eye. She turned 32, and one thing that reminded her of her mortality.. Was her sudden decline in health. It was partly due to genetics and not taking the necessary precautions when working with chemicals in the lab in her younger years. She obtained a terrible rare disease, one that is simultaneously extremely painful, expensive to cure, and urgent. Her doctor told her she has less than two years to live unless she gets immediate attention.

She needed money... Lots of money. She decided to ignore the problem at first, but this backfired, and eventually, her friends and family found out and even offered to pay for her treatment. But she refused all of their offers. It turns out that... She has so much pride, that she would rather die than accept any help.

It was at this moment that... Her life turn a dark turn, and she turned to the world of crime.

Alignment: Anti-Hero
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