
Full Name: Reiko Marie Lorelei

Nickname: Rei

Age: 25-37 [Range depends on the RP]

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 148 lbs

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: [Stay at home wife/mother, Office Worker, Teacher, Etc]

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Honey Brown

Bust: E

Reiko is a very sweet and gentle woman who gets along with everyone. She loves meeting new people and is very welcoming when it comes to meeting new people. She is very accepting and doesn't have a hating bone in her body. She can sometimes be quite Flirty but it's often just playful and never anything extremely serious. She believes she is a dedicated woman but when she's lonely she can be desperate for attention. She is extremely motherly and tender and will do whatever she can to take care of those that are important to her. She can be Clingy at times and often will shove your face between her breasts without realizing what she's doing.
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8 | May 17th 2024 14:26