General Guidelines to keep in Mind

General Guidelines

1. Please be courteous and respectful of my time as I will yours.

2. If we should role play, match the length and mood. I give only what I can go off of and expect much the same.

3. No bleeding. OOC is OOC, RP is RP.

4. OOC is to be used for general communication FIRST. After we have mutually decided upon Genre, style, plot and direction, IC is to be expected for the duration of the scene. If at anytime a break is needed, please use indication to show me you are OOC such as - ( // { [

5. Third person is preferred, first person is okay. Though I do ask please do not switch between the two during the scene.

6. Proper grammar and punctuation is applauded. Though we are not perfect and if you do fub, it's okay.

7. 18+ Handlers only please. I do not wish to role play with anyone younger. Which leads to: If you do not have your age listed on your profile I will reject any and all requests.

9. If I am to request you, I will try to send a message first. I ask if you request me, please do the same.

10. Real life will always come before any and all fantasy. I will always try to communicate with my partners if I should be away for any time period which might disrupt our ongoing scenes or long term stories.

11. Please know that I am not a quick fire responder. I take my time as I do hope you take yours. With this said we can discuss how often we wish to have posts to each other during our initial set up conversation.

12. The general "No-Nos" of role play apply. No Meta, Power Play, God Modding, Mixing, or any other unsightly habits of troupes.

*Can't believe I am already adding more guidelines, its hasn't even been 24 hours*

13. If I deny your request, and you request again, and I deny again and you request yet a third time... There is a good chance I will block you. I can be a very selective adder due to what makes me comfortable. Please understand this.

14. If you are looking for a er*t*c role play only, please pass on me. Do not request, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I am not here to dive into your kinks, fetishes or life styles. (I do check your profiles, and I do not hide my stalker status. If you see me on the list and you were not accepted, I have denied.)

Thank you for reading over these guidelines and happy role playing
Heart this
9 | May 17th 2024 10:54