Family gathering.

WooPil ended up falling asleep shortly after they ate their snacks and Elton didn't come back till morning, as he didn't want to risk waking the child up, had he gone to retrieve him late at night.

As he goes to pick WooPil up, he warns Blade to get ready for that evening, because they are going to have a family gathering with his aunt and cousin. He tells Blade at what time he'll come to pick him up for the event, that same evening, and leaves.

He returns to their home at the exact time he said, still carrying WooPil with him and… pretty much all the food they will have for dinner. He waits for Blade to join them, so they can teleport.
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1 | May 13th 2024 14:51
Woopino He slightly nods at Blade's words and sighs. «I… I just have to not look over there…» Where it's all dark.

Sakura. «It's not just a shake, things fall everywhere when there are earthquakes… even mountains crumble… are you sure you know what a earthquake is?» She can't believe someone might not be scared.

Elton. «Because you eat so little. How do you even get all the energies?»
WonPil would probably find cold arrosticini delicious and dip them in ketchup, if he had it.
«I told you that they become disgusting when cold or heathened. Whatever, I'll come to roast them myself, rather than letting you murder these delicious arrosticini.» Here he goes again.

He eats the arrosticino, pretty much loving it, unsurprisingly. «Nyammy…»
Yingxing "I can go to have a look for you, to make sure there is nothing...
I know what it is, but I have never seen one strong enough to shake a mountain." Clearly he has never been traumatized by Zhongli. XD
"I eat too little?" He can't fully understand since he ate bread and a sausage, his italian part has never been triggered so far. "I'm eating more of those skewers, I didn't say they are not good.
We could eat them even cold but if you insist..." One day he will learn to roast meat too, but he has to master bread first.
He takes another, now that Elton teased he doesn't eat enough. He still doesn't know how he'll be able to keep more than ten arrosticini inside. XD
Woopino «No, no, please don't go…» he says in a scared tone, worrying that something bad could happen to Blade if he goes in the darkness.

Sakura. «I heard that the King of Lianxi can even move mountains at his own will, you think he can't cause a earthquake to break one?» Zhongli likes to traumatize scaredy people only!!

Elton. «I don't know what to say. I'll eat at least 50.» Just because he also ate like 4 sausages, bread and tomatoes. XD

He takes another arrosticino too, eating it slowly but surely, savoring every bite.
Yingxing "Nothing can happen to me, WooPil." He says calmly, looking in direction of darkness. "I can't sense anything from that direction.
I also heard he cares about Honour." The King is sick and obsessed about Honour. "Why are you so scared of him?
Eat as many as you like." He knows he himself wouldn't die even if he ate them all so what would be the point. XD
He enjoys roasted meat a lot and keeps eating, until he really can't take another bite without exploding.
Woopino «Th… though you shouldn't go away from the party… you should stay here an… and have fun too…» He clings tighter to his hand.

Sakura. «… I am not scared of him, but he is a bit psycho, to be honest… you can't understand, until he starts to make all the ground shake…» she grumbles. She knows Zhongli isn't evil, but at this point, she doesn't even know if he actually sees her as an enemy of his.

WooPil eats quite a few, until his belly is all nice and round again. He sits down on the ground, the only other thing that could fit in his little body now is dessert. XD