Hades Ivanov

Name: Hades Ivanov
Age: 31 years
Height: 1.99 m
Genre: Male
- Walk alone
- Spicy food and lemons
- The respect towards him
- The bustle
- The bland food
- The arrogance
Country: Russia
- Zlatan Ivanov (Father)
- Eve Smirnova (Mother)
- Jason Ivanov (Brother)
Sexual orientation: He's probably pansexual...
(optional for the supernatural genre) Powers: Teleportation, Omnivision and Mind Control.

It is not known very well where he came from, he suddenly appeared at the door of the mafia without giving explanations with a big smile and an elegant tuxedo, in less than 1 year he had already reached a rank that was too high for a new guy like him. Those who saw him kill said that he is very brutal and bloodthirsty, that he behaves like a psychopath and is even a cannibal. But on the outside he is a friendly person willing to help his friends. Doesn't anyone know what's hidden behind that façade? PS: Nobody has seen him angry.
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4 | May 10th 2024 12:38