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31 / Male / Single
California - United States
The Mockingjay from the Hunger Games series. The symbol of Freedom, Safety and well being that took down the capitol in the Hunger Games series.

Now I am here in the real world since it needs people to stand up against tyranny, bullies, and heartless and uncaring people in the real world more than ever. Especially now that our freedom and safety and overall well being we alway took for granted, is being threatened.

And how nowadays uncaringness is being masked by peoples false niceness and false light just waiting to backstab you.

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Cmon Russia. You used to be so cool. Don't keep going down the path of Putin. Take examples of the people of Belarus, China, North Korea, parts of the Middle East, Parts of Africa, parts of India, and Cuba and parts of Latin America.

These people really do want freedom and even go so far as to riot or defect to plot revolutions against their dictator regimes. many of the protestors in the countries listed even fly the U.S. flags in protest.
0  May 4th 2024 11:31

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Trick or treat, yo!
Nov 1st 2023 00:43

You too! ^^
Oct 31st 2023 09:02

Jul 1st 2022 20:28