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62 Friends



22 / Female / Married
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Hello Lovelies! Thank you for stumbling across my page. Please read the entire bio before sending me a request >3
I have been on and off this site for a few years and have been role-playing for quite some time. I have added a blog post with my off-limits, kinks, and rules so please read those beforehand.
I am mainly into romance roleplays, of course, other genres can be added to the mix. I am a para-length type of person who enjoys details. I am okay with one-liners but I feel they can get pretty boring. All I ask for is communication. If you want to change the plot or the entirety of the roleplay say so. I am pretty open and understanding. If you send me a friend request and I accept then please send a message first. I will do the same! I will be adding more to this as time goes on. I can't wait to hear from you >3

Start roleplaying with members like xxGothGoddessxx!



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Latest Status

Hello loves, I know you are probably wondering where I have been the last few days, I suffer from chronic migraines ﹠ there are times they get to the point of hospitalization. So for the past few days, I have been cooped up in the hospital trying to recover. It is difficult to be on my phone or laptop because light triggers them the most. I will be back in a few days after I make my full recovery. I enjoy writing with all of you and miss you >3 Talk soon loves.
Mood: distraught
7  Feb 4th 2025 18:31

Latest Comments

Goth girls are queens! Thanks for being great :)
Jan 15th 2025 03:18