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h3aringD4mage's Blog

Favorite Tropes

Romance//Doomed Romance
-Toxic yuri, my beloved
-Forbidden love
-Slow burn
-Enemies to lovers (Even better if they were ((pining)) friends before they were enemies)
-Star-crossed lovers (Can't end up together)

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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 4th 2025 12:16

Mara // The Grieving

Mara has a short stature, standing a little over five feet. Her posture is tense, coiled like a cornered animal ready to pounce. Her skin takes on a golden bronze color, light freckles running across her nose and shoulders. Her gaze is piercing, her eyes round and dark like a fawn’s. She very much looks her age, her baby face evident.

“It’s hard to understand ‘cause when you’re running by yourself, it’s hard to find someone to hold your hand.”

Mara grew up in forsaken conditions, taught to be a weapon since she was a young girl. She operated under Hydra until 2016 at the age of 15 where she was being monitored by SHIELD until Tony Stark had recruited her to his team to catch Steve Rogers, Captain America. After the failure of retrieval, Mara stayed within the Avengers Compound, mostly alone, for the next few years before the blip where she had disappeared.

After everyone came back, Mara at 17 went under the care of Doctor Strange where she spiraled after Tony Stark’s death, a man she’d grown attached to despite the rocky relationship, and a near fatal injury during Endgame. Mara tends to be very destructive and self-sabotages her relationships.


Come rehabilitation, Mara is intensely loyal to Stephen Strange, but still harbors resentments against many of the avengers who she’s seen sparingly since endgame.
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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 3rd 2025 21:30

Valeria Anemone // The Seer

Valeria has many physical characteristics of her mother, big dark eyes and soft cheeks. Besides her posture, the disarming, small stature. Her hair is a dark brown, a sight that contrasts greatly with her pale skin. Unlike her mother, her features are more pointed as if she is constantly expectant.

“The sunshine girl is sleeping, she falls and dreams alone; and me, I am her dagger. Too numb to feel her pain.”

Born into the new age, Valeria comes into an entirely new world of diversity at Hogwarts. Like her mother, Valeria is also very avoidant after growing up in a household where her parents did the bare minimum for her survival. Her family grows more tied with the Malfoys, which allows Draco Malfoy to be her familiar face in Hogwarts.

Like her mother, as she grows into her teen years, she grows more rebellious and becomes torn between breaking away from the mold of the Slytherin house and ‘breaking the cycle’ as she makes new connections.

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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 3rd 2025 20:06

Cecilia Anemone // The Complicit

Cecilia is a girl with average stature, she has long curly blonde hair that she usually straightens. Her skin is pale, her dark brown eyes contrasting to the light expanse of skin. She is defined as soft, her edges non threatening which contradicts her usually cold, neutral gaze.

“Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world, I wanna be the one to walk in the sun.”

Cecilia Anemone comes from a wealthy, historic bloodline of Slytherins who have prospered in the face of progress. Her family is a matriarch, her mother guiding the household name to success through her connection with the Lestrange and Black family. Her background greatly influences her attitude and personality as she starts her journey with Hogwarts during the Marauders era.

Being primarily exposed to the echo chamber that is her household, Hogwarts comes as a culture shock to her - Especially how other girls and women are valued. Like many wealthy Slytherins, Cecilia has an air of arrogance and lack of accountability. As Cecilia grows into her teenage years, she grows more rebellious and finds herself associating with people she wouldn’t usually, friendly or not. In her sixth year, her mother is to pass away which burdens Cecilia with learning to step up to the plate and represent her household the way her mother had.


Come her adulthood, during the war, the Anemone name must proceed, so she allows a man of a lower Slytherin household to marry into her family. Which leads to the birth of her daughter, Valeria Anemone in the year 1979.
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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 3rd 2025 19:28