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Forum > Video Game > Titanfall 2 roleplay

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Started by KalnaZatos , Jun 16th 2019 12:26

KalnaZatos - Jun 16th 2019 12:26

Yoyoyo! So I'm here to find other people who roleplays this dying fandom lmfao I just recently got into it so I've been craving to roleplay it!
I have a couple of pilot OCs (mainly IMC pilots) and additionally I also muse Davis!

I've been looking for either some Apex Predators for my one OC (who is also an Apex Predator), or a Droz for some OC x Canon stuff and additionally for some friendly banter with my Davis!

For Apex Predators- I don't have a specific idea in mind, I guess I'm just really down for stupid shenanigans and the likes- she's a tiny memelord but I mean, at least she kills things real damn dead.

For anyone who would like to play Droz- I had an idea, since my OTHER pilot is also IMC, I had the idea of her going on a covert mission to dig up as much militia information she can and send it to the IMC (she's got the hacking in the bag- plus she has a little spectre she's hacked and modified to grab, hold, and send this kind of information back to the IMC.) While she does this- she'll join the Last Resort to hold up her cover that she's joined the Militia after being a lone mercenary for a while (which, of course, is all fabricated.)
Additionally, with that said, I am willing to ship Davis to an OC or something if my partner would like that- I'm totally fine with it!

I'd prefer my partner to be literate and at least semi-para to para-- but at this point I'm not even gonna be picky about it anymore lmao

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