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Forum > Out of Character > Question for para+ RPers.

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Started by OnelinerfantasyRP , Dec 18th 2021 11:33

OnelinerfantasyRP - Dec 18th 2021 11:33

How do you really feel about liner RPers? Do you judge them or just not interested? I feel like most people I see want longer replies, but I have trouble keeping up lengthy replies. I don’t know what to say besides immediate response to the story. I don’t want to control the action or reaction of someone else’s character, nor do I want them doing that with mine. I like RP to be casual fun rather than stress and long waiting between replies. I know everyone has their preferences and you can like what you like, but it’s disappointing when I see a character or story idea I’m really interested in, but they only want longer replies.

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Meghan - Dec 22nd 2021 23:32

Nope, I definitely won't judge them. The only rules for RP is that both players must to agree on how it works. There is no right and wrong way. One liners just don't fit my style.
I think one liners can work if both players are online at the same time. They just go back and forth very quickly. I've done one liners in group RPs on discord, especially when multiple people are in the room.

But on here I sometimes only reply once a day... or even less often. Would you want to wait for hours or days just to get one line, one action, one sentence of dialog?

Normally I would have my character respond to your character, then do something, then say something again to continue the conversation. That takes at least three lines.

The way I write more than one line or two lines is by writing more than just my character's actions, like:
- Describing the world around us (what the place is like)
- Events happening around us (Such as a storm passing by)
- Multiple main characters (the type that usually only I control)
- Side characters, (the type that we can both control) such as a random group of people you meet on the street.
- Describing how my characters did or said something.
- Writing about my character's feelings or reasons for doing things (Though this isn't really needed in RP because your partner can't directly respond to that. It's more for storytelling than RP )

For fast paced one liner RPs I'd recommend a site or chat where you can see the other person's reply instantly without having to refresh the page. Like discord, or texting.

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