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Started by Spade , Nov 11th 2019 19:22

Spade - Sep 18th 2021 17:28

*Solar nods, humming quietly.*

Solar:I might just stick with the vanilla bean pancakes. Maybe get some fruit with it...

*Stripes smile fades. He stares at Dizzy, completely silent. He looks concerned, but also wary.* know that Mollies aren't legal, right? I dunno about you, but not everypony can afford a lawsuit.

*Stripes looks like he has more to say, but instead falls silent again.*

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SchemingWeasel - Sep 18th 2021 18:42

Lime: Ooohhhh that sounds good actually...

*Dizzy gives Stripes a long look, as if contemplating her next words.*

Dizzy: In a few months time, you'll realise that legalities don't matter when you're fighting for your life. Everything goes on the battlefield. Time to step up and choose, are you going to be a predator and fight back or cower like a lost little sheep?

*She falls silent, heaving a sigh, before she smiles back at Stripes.*

Dizzy: I'm kidding. But for real though, you should come back to the flat with us and 1v1 me in Smash Colts. Quit creeping around by yourself here.

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Spade - Sep 19th 2021 10:09

*Heart mutters something about omelettes behind her menu.*

*Stripes gives Dizzy a flat look, raising a brow at the mare.*

Stripes:Uh-huh. Sure.... You sure sounded like you were joking.

*Stripes glances over at Heart, snorting quietly in amusement at the sight of his friend hiding her face, before looking back at Dizzy.*

Stripes:.....Listen. I know anything and everything goes for survival. Sometimes it's better to cower and hide until the worst blows over, that's how more ponies survive than those who rush in without thinking. Not sayin' I wouldn't fight if needed.

*He sighs, grabbing his glass and finishing off the rest of his orange juice. Setting the empty glass back on the counter, Stripes looks at Dizzy and shakes his head, forcing a grin.*

Stripes:Anyway... Sure. I'll go with you. Heart promised to show me where she lives now, but a picture of a building doesn't really do much when you live in a city, y'know?

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SchemingWeasel - Sep 19th 2021 17:52

*Lime sighs a little, looking around.*

Lime: I think Dizzy has gone elsewhere so if the waiter comes back we'll probably have to order separately hah...

*It looks like Dizzy wants to argue with Stripe's tactics, there's a flash of desperation and mild horror in her eyes for a moment but she swallows back her words and clenches her teeth, forcing her eyes away from Stripes. The things that she's seen would say otherwise. If only she could show those things and not be forced to see them all alone...*

Dizzy: Y...yeah. Whatever... Unless you're not gonna stop acting like a creep and join us at the table, meet us up at the end, okay? And in case I don't get the chance to say, it's Friday the 13th tomorrow.

*She places a hoof on Stripes' shoulder, getting up from her chair. As she whispers into their ear, time seems to slow slightly.*

Dizzy: stay the f*** away from your gym if you want to survive.

*She lets go of them, moving back towards her friends.*

Dizzy: See you, Stripey.

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Spade - Sep 19th 2021 18:07

Solar:Wasn't she going to ask up front about food? She was asking about dietary requirements earlier...

*Stripes stares blankly at the spot Dizzy was sitting for a few minutes, eyes wide and face pale.*

Stripes:. . . . .

*Stripes turns back to the bar, running a hoof down his face. What has Heart gotten herself into? ....What is he getting himself into?*

???:Can I get you a refill, hun?

*Stripes looks up at the pony behind the bar and nods after a minute.*

Stripes:W...Water, please, and the check.

*The pony behind the bar nods, disappearing for a moment only to return with the check and a glass of water.*

???:Here ya go, hun. Need anything else?

*Stripes shakes his head.*

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SchemingWeasel - Sep 22nd 2021 17:26

*Lime nods but seems visibly nervous.*

Lime: Yeah, that sounds right... I guess I'm still a bit on-edge. I don't want something to happen to one of us is all. Ah! She's coming back!

*Dizzy saunters back over to the table and returns back into the booth.*

Lime: Did you get what you needed?

Dizzy: What..?

Lime: The dietary requirement stuff?

Dizzy: Oh uh... yeah. In the end I decided I wasn't really all that hungry after all. Gotta come back here though at some point for food.

Lime: Are you sure you don't want to eat? Especially with alcohol. Wouldn't that make it...

Dizzy: Trust me. I am not getting drunk off one morning mule c*cktail. A little tipsy? Maybe. But I'm no lightweight. It would take a good four of these at least to even get me close to swaying.

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Spade - Sep 23rd 2021 18:19

*Heart glances over her menu at Dizzy, eyes narrowed slightly.*


*Setting down her menu, Heart pushes the bread basket toward the unicorn. She doesn't meet Dizzy's gaze, and her face is still a bit red from earlier.* least eat some bread. Might get sick later if you don't...

*Heart glances at Dizzy for a moment before adding,-*

Heart:...or a bit of fruit, if you can't have bread.

*Solar watches silently, somewhat surprised.*

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SchemingWeasel - Sep 25th 2021 16:47

*Dizzy carefully takes some bread from the basket.*

Dizzy: Uh... Can't say it'll help in any way but thanks...

*She's quiet for a moment or so, nibbling at the edge of a bread roll before eventually she finds something to say.*

Dizzy: Soo... Are you still mad at me?

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Spade - Sep 25th 2021 18:25

Heart:....'m not at you. Just... I was mad at...

*Heart frowns for a moment, struggling to find the right words to explain. It doesn't help that Solar is watching her, obviously interested in where this conversation is going. Heart looks over at Solar and scowls.*

Heart:...stop starin' at me. This ain't a show.

*Solar jumps in his seat, quickly looking away, rather embarrassed. Heart shakes her head at the Pegasus, sighing quietly before glancing back at Dizzy.*

Heart:.....somethin' ya said. It brought back.... Something bad I don't like thinking 'bout.

*Heart looks away, ears pinned back.*

Heart:I.... I'm sorry. 's not right for me t' make you think I was mad at you.

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SchemingWeasel - Sep 29th 2021 18:18

*Dizzy smiles in a mix of sympathy and understanding.*

Dizzy: It's okay. We're still friends right? Would you... still like to see some of my companions? Sundew might be intimidating but she's a big, fluffy pushover really. Plus there's also the spiders and moths and praying mantises...

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