Forum > Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen
The Lab: Recollection
Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen replied to Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen's topic
A yes, I remember there being a lizard girl who was very smart. I remember Catherine taking advantage of her to surprising intelligence to finish a project for her. I think it was something called helminth and it looked like this.
Feb 12th 2024 06:48
The Lab: Recollection
Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen replied to Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen's topic
AHA! I went feverishly scrounging the internet and found this picture! It's Catherine! Right? I remember now, I started out RP'ing with Catherine. She was a scientist in the lab. Did some forbidden sciency stuff with living things and nearly got caught so she went with Xavier so she can be a morally bankrupt scientist with no limitations.
Feb 10th 2024 07:25
The Lab: Recollection
Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen replied to Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen's topic
I wish I could restart that RP, but it just wouldn't be the same without the others who participated too. Plus, this site is all but dead now at this point. There's no new threads and replies barely come in anymore. To that end I am still very happy to be conversing with the original OP of "The Lab" thread. This means a lot of information can potentially be recovered, which is one of the things I wanted to accomplish.
If maybe possible, may I politely ask for any info and details you may be able to recall about the original RP. Maybe we can start with characters. Names, photos, and maybe even their sheets.
Dec 26th 2023 09:11
The Lab: Recollection
Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen replied to Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen's topic
Oh damn! I was not expecting "THE" actual author to respond. OMG, this is huge! I mean, pardon me for not responding after such a long time. I really was not expecting a response. On that regard, are you perhaps privy to share any details you might be able to recall on the original RP here in this thread?
Nov 13th 2023 07:54
The Lab: Recollection
Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen replied to Ziyoou-Vachi-Kaen's topic
I suppose this is some sort of tribute to one of the best RP I've ever participated in. If there is anyone here that ever saw an RP in the medical tag called "the lab." I would appreciate help in recalling details of that once RP. Characters, story, hell even logs. If there is even a sliver of hope in recovering any detail I will take that chance.
I do have a single RP post saved in my notepad. The only proof I hav that this RP once existed:
Despite all of Its ferocity, the creature is nothing short of an animal when it comes to fighting. Since animals rely entirely on ferocity and nature's bodily gifts, Its mindless lunge was easily tellegraphed and intercepted by Tristan. A swift knee to the jaw was enough to knock It off course and leave it disoriented for a very short span of time. Though it would be that short span of time that Tristan, with quick wit moves to subdue the thing.
"Blast it, I don't want to fight you!" Tristan said... He would make the mistake of following up that sentence by swiping his claws at the creature...which It caught with one of its free arms.
The thing is in a predicament. Two of Its four arms are occupied, Its two lower arms keeping Tristan's claws at bay. The two upper arms are attempting to claw at Tristan, but he is just a little out of reach. It is pinned and all it could do for now was listen to Tristan preach. It meets Tristan's claws with crushing vice grip, gripping Tristan's palm tighter and tighter with every word out of his mouth.
<<SHUT UP! STOP TALKING!!!>> are the words at the tip of its tongue and the top of Its head. If It could talk and think it would repeat these words at the top of Its lungs to Tristan. It does not wan't to listen, It does not want to sit down, discuss, and resolve things peacefully. It wants carnage. It felt its claws tear tear the flesh of its predecessor, now It wants to tear flesh from an enemy. How unfortunate that Tristan has made it apparent that he is an enemy in the perspective of the thing.
It continues to struggle haplessly under Tristan. His weight pinning it to the ground, his claws keeping Its own claws occupied. It squirms and wriggles, bending its body many different ways. Trying to find and angle of leverage to pry Itself free from Tristan's grasp. It does not succeed. Tristan continues to attempt reason with the thing. Not knowing that it just made the thing even angrier. Desperate to make him shut up, the thing for the first time opens its mouth. Its throat staggers, stuttering but manages to get air through its vocal cords. The creature says...
Like a wailing child, but worse. Reaching pitches that shouldn't be heard, but through sheer force is made audible. It was so loud and ear piercing that it shattered glass and frozen ice and any eardrum within earshot. How unfortunate for Tristan, how does he react to this?
(Made August 27, 2020)
If there is anyone out there. Participants, viewers, hell even the creator of the RP. If you're out there somewhere please help.
Dec 11th 2022 14:10