Piper Moriah [Character Bio]

Piper Moriah is a 19 year old elf girl, originally from the town of Ringelen, but now residing on the outskirts of a large mixed-group city in an abandoned house. Piper originally lived with her aunt and uncle after the death of her parents, alongside her three sisters (of which she was the second born out of the four).
She fell prey to a group of human scam artists, who promised to send money to support her family of six. Tragically, she was trafficked into a makeshift cult, where she was forced to constantly work (specifically sew) and stripped of almost every elvish characteristic (she acts in a quite "human" and doesn't care much for elven tradition anymore, but is still visually an elf). After a few months of wandering through the woods, deprived and exhausted, she stumbled upon an abandoned treehouse, which she decided to call her home.
She lived there for a few months, surviving on whatever she could find, until she was able to continue on and found her current residence. She works at a flower shop in the city owned by giant named Phillip Baum.
Eventually, she did reunite with her elder sister, Rochelle, but seems to have no plans on returning home. Though she wants to, something about going back seems... Wrong. Almost as though she'd be leaving something else behind that she would yearn for, but she isn't sure as to what.
Piper, due to the unfortunate circumstances, is quite mean and snappy. She treats most people as though they're wasting her time, with the exception of Rochelle.

Piper's slightly under average height (by about three inches or so) with slightly tanned skin from having to be outside. Her hair is naturally white and tied into long, messy pigtails, and her eyes are a shade of violet. She typically dresses in whatever she can find, regardless of how awful it looks. She identifies as gray(asexual)-panromantic.
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