Daniel Branson The Soul Taker

Name: Daniel Branson

Age: Form appears to be in late to mid 30s

Gender: Male

Race: Demon of Greed

Appearance: In photo

Personality: Greedy, wanting and manipulative, he will do anything to get the soul he wants

Bio: Daniel is a soul taker, a form of demon that haggles and barters with those who want someone dead, his job is quite simple...kill the target in the way given and take the soul for themselves, a hefty price to pay but worth it as he always has an 100% success rate...but at what price does he cost? well you shall need to find out won't you hehe ;)

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4 | May 9th 2019 04:36
NapalmKnight Oh?
NapalmKnight Yeah?
NapalmKnight Thanks