Ferdinand, "The Ranger", Wellsborrow

Name: Ferdinand Wellsborrow
Race: Half human, other half lost in an accident
Height: 6'4"
Age: Around 60 looking...but he most definitely isn't
Personality: Fierce, stern, determined and unforgiving
History: His father was a drunk, his mother was a whore. He had no childhood as he was beaten by his father in the pub, and beaten again by his mother when he came home in ragged clothes. Around the age of twelve, he got taught by his grandfather how to shoot a gun. He was a natural.

After a days worth of practice, his father came home. Drunk. He heard gunshots in the backyard and came running out with his shotgun and shot his own father as he thought he was threatening his son. His father was devastated and begged Ferdinand to shoot him with grandpa's revolver. Which he gladly did.

His mom came running towards the cries and he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger on her aswell. He shot her straight between the eyes. He took his grandpa's goggles, hat and pocket watch and stripped his parent clean of anything valuable.

As young Ferdinand headed inside, he saw that his mother was cooking dinner before she ran outside. He shrugged and went rummaging through the drawers to find the last remaining coin.

As he was ready to head out, he heard the sound of a bolt hitting a wall. He hit the deck, pulling off his grandfather's hat and protecting it with his life. He managed to roll under the coffee table before the boiler exploded. He couldn't retract his right arm in time and it got decimated.

After the sea of flames weakened, he crawled from under the coffee table and headed to his teachers workshop. The people gathered around stood perplexed about a kid, with a scorched shoulder, and just a shoulder, on the right side of his body, walked out of an exploded house and put on a hat.

Ferdinand didn't flinch when he saw the crowd and started walking to the other side of town to his teacher's. When he knocked on the door the teacher smirked. "So you're ready for an upgrade?" Ferdinand nodded and walked in. He got injected with a syringe and was out for a week.

When Ferdinand glossed over his body, he saw a massive mechanical arm and laughed. "Did a fine job sir..." he said to his teacher before tipping his hat and walking out. He was an outlaw now, someone more powerful than his grandpa would have ever imagined. He went onto his journey...and that is where he will meet you...at the end of his barrel...
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4 | Aug 4th 2015 20:18