At the same time as the party.

Due to some difficulties related with the responsible of portaling them, a family had some delay reaching the Palace for the meeting.
For that reason, Morgan did not yet join the others in the Hall for the party and is still in the throne room to wait to meet the latest family. But something unexpected happens, or better, something "unauthorized", which catches immediately the attention of Elite Guards and Portal-Control squad, as it happened way too close to the Royal Palace.

A few Elite Guards from the palace moved immediately to scout the perimeter, while the Captain of the Portals-Controls squad immediately reached the place as well to catch the "transgressor". The man reaches the place where the other members of his squad are already investigating. «Halen, go to report to His Majesty immediately. I shall investigate the matter myself.» The soldier salutes and obeys his Captain, who splits the others and starts to look for the transgressor, but the searches last much less than they expect.

After few moments, some desperate screams can be heard, very close to them and they head there immediately, only to find a confusing scene.

Roose Bolton and his son Ramsay were late because of the man meant to portal them and this pissed the old man off for sure, he despises the fact they had to be late, even though it wasn't their fault. He has huge respect towards Morgan and Jager family and doesn't accept to be unable to prove it.
For this reason, Roose was walking much faster than his son, up to the steep slope leading to the black walls of the black palace.
His son Ramsay though, his not as motivated as the father, also because of his young age at the time, he didn't really realize the importance of this alliance nor how much Roose actually owes to Morgan.
The boy was lazily following his father, looking around and ending up with some distance between them. But that's when he notices someone not far from them, running.
Curious, he starts to run after the short figure who seems to be heading towards the little wood nearby; the other is slow and seems crippled. For that reason he quickly catches up and manages to approach "him".
Feeling to be followed, the figure tries to run faster but ends up stumbling on a little rock and falling, rolling down a little before stopping when hitting against a bigger rock.
Ramsay approaches "him" and tilts his head, but as soon as the other sees him close, "he" starts to scream sooo loud. He makes an amused smirk approaching more and grabbing the kid by arm, forcing "him" to stand up. «You like to scream, kid?» He keeps the smirk and a "maniacal look", but the only answer he gets is more screams, which is what catches the attention of the Captain and all of the men and Elite Guards of the area.

Captain. He stands straight raising a brow at the scene, giving Ramsay an interrogative look.

Ramsay. His expression turns from maniacal to angel O:) , his grips on the kid's arm softens and he turns around to look at the guard with his big blue eyes. «I noticed him running and I thought to approach, he looked like he could use some help...look, he is wounded...»

Captain. He looks at the kid then at Ramsay again, nodding. «Where was he running from?» Just to make sure, he can tell already that the kid is most likely the one who made the portal as he tried to escape.

Ramsay. He points at the direction, which is exactly where the portal appeared.

The kid looks traumatized, wounded, "ill", nervous, wearing oversized ruined and old clothes, including a hood pulled on his face. He doesn't stop crying and screaming, literally like crazy, but he is not struggling nor attempting to run away.

Captain. «Thank you, Lord Bolton, we appreciate your support. I'll take care of this from here on and warn His Majesty of your...act of kindness.» He takes the kid, who screams even worse as the older man takes him. He simply picks him up and heads to the Palace, in which the screams literally echoe everywhere, to the point that Morgan and some of the guests move to check what might be going on.

Morgan approaches the guard with the child and simply places his hand in front of the young one, for some moments, to which, the screams stop, the child looking as if hypnotized. «To the throne room.» He says that in an authoritarian way and leads there indeed. In there he motions Artemis to leave (as the Aurin is literally living in there right now), intending to remain alone with the kid and the Captain, only, in order to learn about this entire matter.
Heart this
2 | Jun 10th 2015 17:17
Crow The three remain alone in the throne room. Morgan doesn't know what to think at the moment and goes to sit on his throne, looking at the Captain to wait for his reports.

Captain. He bows low to him and stands straight again, like a true militar. «An unauthorized portal was opened in the off-limit area of the Royal Palace. My squad and I myself headed there to investigate immediately on the matter. The transgressor tried to flee as soon as out of the portal, which when we arrived was closed already by the magic defences. In few minutes I will be reported where the portal was opened to lead there...
We started the researches for the transgressor as soon as reached the place and found this kid, attempting to reach the woods, but stopped by the young Lord Ramsay Bolton, who reported to have noticed the kid running in panic and to have approached him to offer support and help, as to him he looked wounded.»

He silently listens to what the Captain says, but just stares at the kid now. «Put him down.» The soldier nods and places the kid down, right in front of him, but the boy immediately falls on his knees as if finding it hard to stand on his own. «What is your name, boy?» He asks calmly but in his usual authoritarian tone.
The boy gasps at the question and shakes his head while sobbing like desperate. «Rihinij..» He answers with a faint and broken voice.

Morgan frowns and stands up, raising a brow. «The Stranger...?»
Crow Rihinij. "He" cries and sobs, slightly nodding at Morgan's words.

He looks at the Captain. The very fact such a young child knows Meetijl language makes him realize that something doesn't square. It's nothing taught at schools, it's unthinkable one of his parents could be one of those people for obvious reasons regarding the culture of Methi itself and quite hard to believe any Auriold is living in that world for any reason. He can sense the child is 100% Auriold, and by his skin color, it's also clear he doesn't belong to East, West or South. «Your true name. Your father's name.»

Rihinij. "He" shakes his head again at Morgan's question, he is scared sick and trembling like a leaf.

«Answer.» He says calmly again.

Rihinij. "He" takes a deep breath but doesn't manage to speak properly as he doesn't manage to calm down and stop sobbing. «I...don't know...I don't...remember...»

He sighs, not really buying it in fact. «Do not lie to your King, tell the truth and everything will go alright.» But to that, the child just bursts in tears again. Knowing his words are not believed, he doesn't know how to prove the truth so just "shuts" in himself again.
Morgan sighs and looks at the Captain, motioning him to pick up the child again and as he does so, Morgan approaches and raises Rihinij's coatpluswooly shirt, to check the symbol of his family...and there he makes two weird discoveries: 1, this is no boy, it's a little girl.
2, she has no symbol, which is unbelievable. Every single Auriold is born with his/her family "tattoo/symbol" on the bottom of the belly. Even denied ones keep the symbol which just changes. He frowns to that, but something more worrying takes priority. Her whole belly is covered with blood, some dry but some still flooing and as he sees her closely, he can tell that her condition is extremely serious.
Crow He approaches the door and opens it. «Elodie, come here immediately, take that girl to the bathroom and clean her for the doctor.» Right after that, he contacts Jackil in mind. Even though his grandson is not yet officially a doctor, he trusts him enough to give him this duty, also since Robstein isn't available at the moment.
The servant lady immediately takes the child with her, towards the bathroom.
Morgan approaches the Captain. «Find out about the portal, I want to know the exact, specific spot when the entrance was opened.»
Crow He remains silent while he speaks, but even though not saying anything, his anger boiled more and more at everything he adds regarding the condition of the child, but the last part is literally his last drop.
He stands up from the throne, looking far from reassuring, his fists clenched and lightnings literally appearing in his iris. «Go to sleep.» He says quite sharply, though as Jackil starts to take his leave after bowing, he glances at him. «Good job, Jackil, thank you.» Even though it might look like that and Jackil surely thought it, he is not angry at him.
As soon as Jackil Leaves, he summons Edward. «Send Frederick to Meethi, I want an immediate meeting with the Emperor. Should he not show up, it's war.»
Crow In few words, he and Edward go to said meeting, just the two of them, while the other sovereign brings tens of his finest soldiers to protect him, including the General of his army.
Since he finds a huge, unacceptable, unthinkable outrage, what they dared to do to a child of Nortrig, most of all from the North, an innocent child of his Realm, he gives the Emperor of the place two simple choices: either he, the torturer and every person involved in what was done to the child will give themselves to him to go through an equally horrible treatment, or he will bring his army to Meethi and destroy every village, town, city, kill every man and woman, capture every child and take the men he claims anyway, to be destined to the same fate with the addition of public execution.
The smug and coward Emperor of course refuses the first option, confident they could manage to win this war in their own territories, but they are underestimating Morgan and an Auriold Army badly.
Morgan accepts the war and leaves the other saying «Enjoy the sun, after tonight, you won't see it ever again.» Harshly and deadly seriously. He warns and prepares the army, Rujha laughs at the very thought of what is going to happen, knowing that Meethi's armies can't literally stand a chance against them.

That same night, he leaves with his own squad and part of the army -it seemed a pointless waste to move all of it, as they know it won't be needed-. 177 people including the King, Frederick, Dorian and Rujha. He did not even bother Edward with this matter.
And as promised, within that night they bring total destruction to the place. The children they take will simply be entrusted and re-educated to be better people before being sent back to their homeworld. The Emperor, the captain, the general, the torturer, the guilty ones, as mentioned, are taken and left to Edward's "mercy/care" for a few days in which they largely receive what they deserve for the brutality they dared to cause to an innocent child just out of a meaningless hate that people always had towards other races. And afterwards, they got publicly executed, to show the children from Meethi what that kind of behaviour can only lead to.