The skren

Appearance: humanoid creatures with elongated and curved spines that cause them to move around much like monkeys. They have very boney thin bodies covered by hairless pitch-black skin. Their teeth are flat and meant to crush and chew the varies plants they eat. The skren normally have glowing eyes that have been found in every color. They have long arms and rather short legs this causes them to hop and drag themselves with their arms when they move around.

Life span: on average they live to be up to 50 years old though because of their lifestyle they some have lived to be 70-75 years old which is very rare.

Culture: the skren are strictly healers, from the day they are born their tribe will start texhing them about herbs and poisons and how to treat illment. They resent all types of violence and are extremely close to their tribe. The skren speak a language known as 'skrenglan' though the older members of the tribe often know how to speak the common tongue. And in the common tongue skren actually translates to 'people of the trees' as they make their home in the large jungle trees near moving water. They sleep in the hollow trunks of the 'trick fruit tree's and travel via the canopy of the trees. And when they do travel it is with their mate. They mate for life and if or when they do take a mate it is forever.

Diet: skren are herbavoirs. They cannot digest meat. They eat mostly the nuts and berries that grow on bushes on the jungle floor though the necture of the trick fruit flower that grows on the trees They live in is tastey it is extremely toxic to them. Though when mixed with honey they father from the wasps the toxic necture becomes a delectable treat and a cure for almost any illness.

History: the skren moved to the green lands long ago when war pushed them from their homes. Aside from that not much is know about their history.

Strengths: they are wise, and talented climbers. They have cast knowlage about plants and medicines of all sorts. The skren are also very talented carvers, they carve beautiful trinkets and items from the bones of the their dead kin and hang the carvings from the trees in memory of them. And they stay in large groups with up to three hundred members.

Weaknesses: they refuse to partake in any form of violence meaning they have no way or intention of protecting themselves. They form very strong bonds and once that bond is broken they often go into deep depression and sometimes refuse to eat long enough that they will starve.

Fears: they are very shy and timid around any newcomer or stranger but they are scared most by humans and large predatory creatures which is why they stay mostly in the trees.
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0 | Jul 17th 2016 19:40