
Lani can't keep him in his house forever, especially considering that there is nothing he can do about his wound. Only someone who can manipulate or absorb Life magic can remove it from his body, subsequently curing him.
And there is also no real test that Lani can perform to tell if there is Hori in his body or not. All he can do, on the matter, is to.wait and see. At least he is reassured to note that this ShiHao is nothing like the one he knew. In fact, he is almost shocked to witness how different he is from either of the Qiu twins he knows. Lani finds it kinda fascinating to see how any little variation can cause such deep and unexpected changes in a person. He would love to know what the TiHao, Wuxin and WooPil of that dimension could be, but he won't investigate.

When it arrives the time he really can't hold ShiHao in his place any longer, he finally teleports him back to Guyun.
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0 | Aug 13th 2024 16:24
HaoShi «Now I am, but till a couple of weeks ago, I was one of the richest people in my entire world.»
He raises a brow. «One thousands people? Split through a fiefdom system. Meaning that each feud should be in the hands of a vassal, who may be more approachable and helpful than their suzerain.» He ponders.
«I can't go to Fengshii without Pebbles. I will need his assistance.» He won't enter an house full of spiders.
«Pebbles thinks.that I can't go back, otherwise the old man will probably drag me away. What a conundrum…» He crosses his arms and continues to be in a contemplative silence for a while.
Heliobi "I was richer too before, now things are really cheap." She doesn't exactly mind it. At least for now.
"Uhm...they have a governor but it's all under the power of the court here. You want to try finding your own sugar daddy between powerful people?" She tilts her head.
"You are actually in danger back there. Do you even have the doubt if richness there is better than keeping your life but here?"
HaoShi «No one can't understand how important it is to me, being rich! It's what my family ows me, what life owes me!» For everything he had to go through during his childhood. And even now.
«I am not looking for a sugar daddy, I'm looking for someone who would be willing to help me settle properly, recover my richness and start anew…»
He looks up at her words. «Does it look to you like I am there, right now? I am pretty strongly here, it appears to me.»
Heliobi "But money is not everything. Money could never buy you love. It might lead people to you but hardly ever for honest intentions.
That's a sugar daddy in a way." XD "Anyhow. You'll have to become friend with someone powerful enough for it.
No, but you still talk about all your richness. Isn't your jewelry worth a lot, by the way?" She looks at him from head to toe.
HaoShi «But not having money isn't buying me love or happiness, it's just more miserable than having it! I don't want people at all, i don't want money to have people, I want money to buy things! To feed myself, to take care of myself! Can you all stop pretending like money is some kind of abstract concept people can live without? You need money even to keep yourself alive, I doubt that the people of this city go in that "incredibly dangerous" outside to get their food!» He stands up.
«I'm heading off.» He hurriedly walks out of the teahouse.