Captain Elia Morse

Captain Elia Morse

January 2
Ellie, Elle, Eli, Captain

(Former Princess)
Pirate Captain
Intimidating, bold, mind-speaking, put-off, loud, Stunning,
(self-conscious -Sal) (NO I’m not!!!-Ellie)

Backstory: Welcome to my fjord, Elia Morse, Pirate Captain of the Dorianelle. What brings you to my ship? Oh? You want to hear the story of the Pirate Princess? I see, *smiles* Then you’ve come to the right place, my crew and I would love to share the story with you, *The crew starts the beat for the Pirate Princess Sea Shanty, and start to dance as Elia starts to sing for you*

The Pirate Princess
Unknown Author

Once there was a princess,
Full of kindness and nieve,
She would talk to the guards,
And she’d flirt with the sea,
She dreamed of becoming a queen one day,
Then all to soon,
She was swept away,

Scream, scream, scream,
No longer a princess,
Steam, steam, steam,
She’s tearing her dresses,
Steal, steal, steal,
She’s a pirate queen,

She boarded the boat,
The men awaiting her,
Her dress now torn to shreds,
And a captain hat on her head,
She called to the crew,
All hands on deck,
She was now the Pirate Queen,
The Queen of the sea,

Scream, scream, scream,
No longer a princess,
Steam, steam, steam,
She’s tearing her dresses,
Steal, steal, steal,
She’s a pirate queen,
She’s a pirate queen,
She’s a pirate queen,

Don’t Mess With Me
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0 | Mar 22nd 2023 17:03