

Age: 17
Personality: Fun, acts older than her age, has an ego, star lover, kind, understanding, cares more than anyone will ever know, loves to make music, loves to role play
Birthday: September 15
Straight She/her
-Looking for Someone -
Favorite Color: Emerald Green
Nickname: Night, Sky
Profession: Singer/Songwriter, Actor

Backstory: I always loved music. From the moment I was born, I knew that was what I wanted to do with my life. I write songs to express myself. It was the only way I could handle my emotions. I’ve been through many hard things. I lost a friend due to her toxicity. I had to let go of my dearest friend, my first boyfriend, and many more experiences. I was in a movie once. That was pretty fun. I hope someday I’ll be ok and have someone to love.
-Music Is My Life-

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