Ashtrid Ashyver

$Ashtrid Ashvyer$

May 3rd
Personality: Arrogant, formal, deadly, Bad Girl
Profession: Assassin
(Look up the definition)

Backstory: Shh, that’s a secret. *evil grin* Actually, *cocks head to the side* Maybe I’ll tell you. It was dark outside when I heard the screams. I ran to my parent's room. They were dead. I screamed at all the blood. The blood-soaked bed. Tears were falling down my face. Someone grabbed me and started running. I ran with them. I looked up and there was my Nurse-maid, Amber. She led me to the kitchen. She placed a necklace around my neck and told me it would protect me. Then she told me to run. I did as she asked. I didn’t look back when I heard the screams, her screams. When I did hear them I ran faster. I heard footsteps following me. I didn't have time to cross the bridge before he got me. I jumped into the river. I passed out from the cold. When I woke up a man was standing over me asking if I was alright. When I didn’t answer he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me. I passed out several times after that. When I woke up again I was in a room, the same man was dabbing a cloth over my head. He smiled at me, I didn’t return it. I had tears running down my face again. I remembered the night before so vividly. The man’s smile faded and he wiped my face. He asked me why I was crying and I told him everything and when I finished I threw myself into his arms. He held me a minute, but then he told me that he would allow the tears for today, but by tomorrow I’d have to move on. I nodded in agreement. The next day the man told me his name was Arobynn Hamel, King of the assassins and I was to train as one of them. The sessions started easy, but they got harder and more, how can I put this, more…. monstrous. I won’t go into my training, but it was traumatic for anyone. I’m glad he’s dead. Now I roam the world doing what I was trained to be, a monster.
(Ashtrid was only when her parents died)

- I Trust No One, Do You Trust Me?-
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0 | Mar 22nd 2023 16:44