
~Basic Info~
First name: Iris
Middle name: Star
Last name: Soon to be Caedmon
Race: White
Age: 20
Sex: Straight
Title: Mistress
Position: Bottom
Species: Human
Martial Status: Soon to be married
Blood type: -A
Persona: Iris is a manipulative and cunning lady who often uses her charm and "Innocence" to get what she wants, even if it means hurting others in the process.

Hair: Long, black, and wavy
Eyes: Hazel green
Height: 5'2
Clothes: Colorful and elegant dresses.

Iris wasn't born into a poor family, but her family had enough money to keep their house stable and buy her whatever she wanted. Despite not being born into a wealthy family, Iris was fortunate enough to have met the Archduke at a ball. Instantly smitten with her beauty and innocence, the archduke today took her hand and made her his mistress. It was later discovered that she was a saint, a person who cured people of disease. But, this power was not hers instead, it was the archduchess...

Her main goal was to turn everyone aside, Reylinn. She knew that Reylinn was a thorn in her side and was preventing her from becoming what she believed was the true archduchess. She convinced others to distance themselves from Reylinn. Including her husband. As a result, Reylinn felt isolated and betrayed by those she once considered friends and family. She struggled to understand why she was being ostracized and felt deeply hurt by their actions. Iris continued getting power and Reylinn continued losing it.

While Reylinn was on probation. Iris continued to put on her innocent act, destroying Reylinn's image little by little. She spent countless nights in Alex's bed chambers, and she even handled the responsibilities of the archduchess. She finally felt that she was in her place, but it wasn't enough for her. She wanted Reylinn gone; she needed to not only conceive a child before her but also take away her title of archduchess, and so Iris began to plot. Iris knew that her plan would not be easy, so she started gathering information. She carefully planned each step of her scheme.
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1 | Mar 21st 2023 13:37