The Undead doctor

Name: Joseph marzane Cortez

Nickname: Joe or the doctor

Gender: unknown

Age: seems to be much older and around the time of the Black Plague

Sexuality: bisexual

Race: Undead skeleton

Language: multi language

Family: unknown

Friends: parts of crewmates

Physical Description

Height: 5'7

Weight: no more than 25 lb because of Bones

Hair: has none

Eyes: doesn't have any either but sometimes glow a light blue

Detailed Physical Description: mostly bones a few missing from his rib cage

Typical Clothing: mostly where is ripped up shirts a cape on his back that is ripped up a doctor plugs mess with a hat black boots and gloves

Equipment: has a lantern and a cane


Personality/Attitude: willing to help and try to heal despite not being willing to do so

Skills/Talents: believes to be a Grave Digger and a doctor once

Favorites/Likes: tries to heal those are in pain

Most Hated/Dislikes: doesn't like to bury those that died

Strengths: It is believed that he can weaken someone's soul and come back from the dead multiple times

Weaknesses: despite that he can be definitely killed by normal means and enough times can make him stay down for a while

Fears: believed to have none

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none as well

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: dying as human on coming back is the undead

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: none as well

Powers: believe to weaken one's soul from his attacks and as well he uses our army of crows to attack others and uses a shovel that can cause a lot of damage as well he can also have a somewhat life still ability to steal someone's health and heal his own or others around him

Backstory: it's believed that this doctor was once human a long time ago when the worst plague in all of history happen the Black Plague he tried his best to help as many people as possible for catching the very deadly disease himself dying and trying every possible thing he found a magical resource I'll unseas when he got to it he died it within it in his hands it was a very powerful Lantern when that brought him back from the dead over time the very flesh of his body rotted off and he was nothing more than bones from this day many believe that he tries to heal those but ends up guiding them to their death calling him the undead doctor
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2 | Nov 22nd 2022 00:16