Eyes wide open.

She remains lied and clung to XyKy the whole time, even after he woke up. She is a bit timid, but rarely aggressive — except towards male dragons, of course. XD
Heart this
1 | Sep 17th 2022 10:42
Coconut "No, they did not. They fought for the ritual as well, I can't take it from them, but I'll never forget what they did before then.
I do, but he is only 21 years old. He didn't fight, he was not there back then, thankfully." Not that he lived better, but still, he has his life.
He looks at him while he eats, continuing to study everything he does. "I'm glad you like it. About tonight, sleep here, alright? We'll return with more food tomorrow morning. Better if you and your girls do not go out alone for now, but as soon as you get better, I'll show you Lianxi." He makes a slight smile.
"Omo, don't, don't..." He hurries to block PiGa's way to prevent her from stealing Nima's food. XD
Windhope «They weren't evil against other auriold and the heroes too? They were only evil towards our kind?» He is like a little kid raised on fairytales.
«Oh… he is very young too. The other heroes have children too?»
He keeps eating the food and enjoying every mouthful. He doesn't eat fast.
«I will sleep here, this bedding is softer than the clouds! Is it made of clouds?»
He nods. «I look forward to see Lianxi!»

PiGa. She makes an assface when Qi stops her. She too deserves to become fat!!
Coconut "They were not totally bad before they did what they did, or at least, they didn't reveal themselves for what they were, at the beginning. I could have thought they were heroes as well, before.
Not sure. Some of them surely had, but I don't know them." He takes a breath, wishing he knew where they are.
"Rather a mix of hair, feathers, fur and other stuff than clouds. It is good, isn't it? Yours aren't comfortable too?
And I look forward showing it to you."
She will become fat, but without starving her sister. XD
Windhope «What makes heroes become evil? Is it like a disease that ruins their heart?» The death of all the most important people of their lives is a disease heavy enough.
«My bed is comfortable too, but it isn't soft like this one. It's also like sleeping in the sea, here, like floating in the water!»
He smiles and finishes to eat his meal. «Where can I find water to wash the clutter?»
Coconut "Thirst for revenge. It made them become blind, they couldn't understand what the real enemy was..." He shuts his eyes. "Don't think about this matter. It was long time ago, you have to focus on resting and getting back on shape.
I didn't think you would appreciate them so much, but they are indeed pretty good overall...
Don't worry about it. We can do it ourselves. You cannot move from the bed for tonight." He points it. "Do you want a blanket?"