Sariel- The One without Feeling


Sariel Quivinn

Sephilia- The One without Feeling


"The One without Feeling. Silent and breath of the dead of wind."

"I.. had a vision of my first hunt again.. The Raider who thirsted for blood.. For death of me.. To carry out our resources smeared in my skin..
I killed him with a simple slice to the neck.. A fatal bow even for your strongest of fools.. I walked over the corpse as it reached for my ankle tugging on as if for mercy or perhaps a last attempt to subdue me.. And you know what? I felt nothing for the fool. Even as cut free his last breath it gave me satisfaction, no anger, no.. anything.. Yet.. around you.. there's a tiny part of me that wants me to embrace you and restore that feeling by your side. I just.. want to know why.."

Sariel's message to Kilo after the Trials.


Sitch, "Blade", Sickle, Siil, Blossomed Dawn.


Female in name alone, Blade by the blood of our hearts.

"If what I am is such a problem to you... I don't know why you bother wasting your time over here... Your more useful as a doormat..."


Presumed to be around 17-23 years of age. It is also possible the relationship with Kilo is a better indicator than the limited records.

"Why does it matter?... no matter how old I've been, I've still felt the same thing... a empty void... that blinds my heart..."


The Clan, The Vision of the Scroll, Kilo, Connection with her weapons as if part of his soul, The ability to feel something... anything...., figuring out what meaning she can find in life.

"If... I can find something... anything... it'll be worth it... That's why I hold this important to me... not because I can feel it..., but because I sought for it..."

What She Despises

Her inability to feel emotion, pain, or feel anything .

The World's Obsession with bleeding its own blood.

Separating too far from her only friend outside the Accord.

Being reprisoned by The Razor Division.

People staring at her because of her condition.

Disorderly conduct towards the helpless



The Clan of the Valley

The Sisters of the Peak

Death Flower





Raider Tribes

Empires of the North


Razor Division




Flashlight- A run of the mill E-Series Lighting device mostly just used in dark fog-coveree terrain or to navigate dark corners that aren't so easy to the normal eye. Sariel hardly ever uses this tool unless the aspiring events above come to fruition. Clan eye sight is much better than your average survivor after all.

Pedals of the Rapier- A Very flexible Rapier that has been outfitted with a elemental module making it equipped in close range and long range capabilities. It was personally created to help her use her trauma as a weapon to use against the void. It has a lot of natural capabilities using the pedals of flowers and the givers of life to tilt battles in her favor. The Blade part of the Rapier is capable of carrying toxin and stun capabilities, or possibly even bleed depending on the timeline.

Talía Short-Sword- Typically Sariel uses a secondary bladed weapon to go along with her Rapier which in most cases is the Talía Short-Sword. The Short-sword is smaller than the rapier as a light frame that is supposed to be trusted out at a much faster rate and applies some bleed damage with each exposure which can last up to 10 minutes per entry and does have the ability to stack. It is known to be able to chain attacks with the Rapier. It is a common class to have in the Clan and has similarities to "Blood and Thorn"

"Valia's Grip" Sniper Rifle- Now while only this version of Sariel has this weapon and typically the art of a assassin is more in line with Death Rose, Sariel is no slouch to these frames despite her lack for Feeling. In fact, Valia's Grip was a gift given by Rose after she saw how well she did in the Environment Trials with accuracy at range Rose believed she had the potential to work with tools that benefit from that skill set. This Sniper has your typical scope and scope cap the seasonal variants carry around. It carries a few different ammo capabilities not limited to 9 mm Sniper shells, Shock Coils, Pedal bolts, Shot Spikes, and even Suppression Balls in the right scenario.

Suppression Tool- A mini-tool that is mostly used for extremely close-quarters stealth situations. It has 2 options, one is the projectile function, the second is the injection function. A quick way to knock out or take out targets within seconds. Needs to be cleaned thoroughly through multiple operations.

Pick Climber- A set of tools used to help climb mountains or other solid terrain. It didn't become commonplace until Blood Joy showed some of the technologies she discovered with the Raiders and Kilo's Biome experience. They are very durable against solid material and can extend down to 20 yards depending on which variant you are using. Some Members of the Clan have modified them to be used as weapons.

The Story So Far....

Sariel Quiv is a former resident of The Misty City which is a just a old city that is owned by The RetCon Trader Market which the Razor Company uses like a of pawns and slavers. The Market while rich is powerless against the Company which makes up 87% of their profits by taking their slavers into enslaving members of the population to be the pawns of the job market in the deep valleys of red. In Misty City, your either a Trader, a Convoy, or a Runer (A Person who's fate is decided by the palm of the Company).

Sariel was adopted at birth as it was unfit for Runers to have any type of empowerment which includes having offspring. The offspring used to be executed as a way of punishing Runers for birthing Filthy Maggots into the Sacred City. However, in the past decade RetCon stock has plummeted 87% due to the suicide rate skyrocketing so much 50 counties had only 2% of employment meaning the Counties are in complete disfunction which means the market trading has very little supply and no buyers in the region.

Now, they just get sold to families inside one of the two factions which means freedom couldn't be beany further away. Sariel was sold to the Trading Firm in the West where the Tundra meets the road. Sariel was severely beaten and stabbed in her hands as she was forced to Trade barter for blood, literally. It drove her to the point she felt nothing in the world, nothing. She would one day be sold a pickaxe which she used to murder the slavers she was owned by. She felt none of it. She eventually escaped to a Clan in the SouthWest where she met Kilo the closest to a friend she had as they searched ways for her to feel again and make a world where she couldn't feel pain again.
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1 | Jun 28th 2022 06:21