
Since BangSul and Hoseok know the location of WonPil's residence in Fengshii, and since the second often comes to bother and makes them feel unsafe, the family decides to move again. HaoLin insists on that, because he is not sure if GinRo could even stand a chance in a fight against the Avatar of Darkness and he wants to be at peace, while in school.

HaoLin searches for a new home for them three by himself, to avoid dragging too many eyes. After all, nobody asks for his age, they just give for granted he is the age he looks like.

They are aware that they will never manage to sell the house in Fengshii, so they'll just keep it there.
HaoLin earned a lot of money with his little works and he even won a competition, so he is able to look for more decent houses. He plans to lie to WonPil on the price, to not make him feel uncomfortable, so the look of the building must match with the price he will say.

At home, they pack the very few belongings they have and prepare to move right away, when HaoLin tells that he bought the new house. Most of their baggages consist in jars of conserves and dry meat.
They move the same day as Hao bought the house and GinRo comes with them even there. Turns out that the kitsune is actually WonPil's ancestor, which is why he has always been so attentive towards them.

The new house is in a village not far from HuYu, but a bit more remote. It's near the sea too, colder, but decent. The building is right inside the village and attached to other houses, making the neighbour very close, but it's also rather private.
There is a small garden behind, surrounded by a tall bamboo fencing, covering the entire space from the view of outsiders.
The house is made of rock, rather old and cold, not luxurious and smaller than the one in Fengshii.
It has three small bedrooms, a storage room, a kitchen-living room and a bathroom, all indoor. There is also a proper fireplace, which is a luxury compared to the old house and its buckets.
Mattresses and pillows made of quality materials, not straw. All in all, it seems a dream house, especially for the price of just 2 gold and 80 silver. (Real price 4 gold and 50.)

The village itself is nice. It's full of humans, mostly commoners and peasants, not many inhabitants, no nobles, a colorful market just a few metres from home and a little pantheon too.
The sea nearby, though, is no beach material. The coast is rocky, tall and there is no sand. The water looks scary, rather than appealing for a swim.

As soon as they move to the new house, WonPil hurries to cover almost every window with curtains, to make the place feel even safer and more private.
GinRo places the wind protections even here, to keep people he personally doesn't approve out of the perimeter of the house. It can't be a ring, or it'd affect the neighbours' house too.

WonPil and Elton avoid to leave the building unless forced to. They have the garden to enjoy the rare sun and some fresh air, for the rest, they stay in the house. The temperature isn't warm, but slightly less rigid than in Fengshii.
They also avoid to take any pet, fearing that they could serve as spies to Bangsul.
They are aware of the fact that if someone like BangSul, or Hoseok, want to find someone there is probably no way to escape, but at least they try to be as careful as possible.
WonPil has been living in terror for all the past years and still is. Even more because the children who live with him could be exposed to that danger too.

Since the new house has this small garden, he decides to do as he planned even with the old one, and try to grow some plants. Not just edible ones, because he is not going to be unemployed forever. Despite HaoLin wouldn't mind it at all to provide for him, WonPil doesn't want his child to be burdened with providing for their family alone, at such a young age. Especially now that school began and he will have to travel back and forth to attend it.
As a matter of fact, WonPil is receiving some lessons by Benjamin himself, about potion making. Learning some simple, useful potions he could sell to make a living. The fact that in Xuanghen there aren't potionists, because people tend to only rely on Alchemists gives the chance to make a bit of money from the activity. Elixirs are good, but they can't cover everything and that's why potions exist, in every magically developed country.

As for Elton, he keeps focusing on kitchen and he isn't even sure if he will want to go to Malicedom at some point. For now, he is only 5 and WonPil won't push him to start school unless he claims to. Which he won't, Elton isn't a study lover and prefers to be home, having his new dad all for him and preparing delicious things for him and GeGe.
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2 | Apr 19th 2022 14:53