Soul Eater Weapon OC

Name: Cherry (no last name or so she claims)
Age: 16
Position: Weapon: A bright red, flaming roulette

Bio: Cherry was born in the slums of Death City. She was raised in a group home and never worried or knew who her parents were. The female often found her entertainment in street brawling or causing meaningless trouble around the city. It wasn’t until she was caught committing one of her many acts of arson that she was given the choice of putting her explosive wavelength to use at the DWMA or jail.

Personality: Cherry is probably one of the most obnoxious individuals you’ll ever meet. Headstrong is an understatement when it comes to her and loud isn’t strong enough to convey her presence. The young female is an egotistical maniac with explosive tendencies.

Likes: Competition, The color red, cigarettes, Being congratulated or complimented, Cheating at cards, Contact sports, Protecting the people she loves, Sparring, and Feeling accomplished.

Dislikes: Not being given attention, Losing, Silence, Anything that would be considered girly, Feeling insecure as a female fighter, and being woken up.
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4 | Dec 8th 2021 19:24