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During an IA mission, ShiHao got fatally injured, to the point even Lani didn't know if he'd manage to keep him alive or how his state would be, after waking up.
ShiHao stayed unconscious for over two weeks and when he finally opened his eyes again, he had no memories. All totally erased.

Lani and Sao warned several people, those who know ShiHao, including Qiu family of course.
MingHao took upon himself the burden of helping his little brother to get the basic knowledge back.
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2 | Nov 27th 2021 14:12
Disaster "Since you invited me, also count two more places for BangSul and KiTae! You don't want to be rude.
Nothing, we are only joking! WuXin doesn't really hire teachers because of their looks!" She snickers. "Or he could have found someone more classy than me!
Well...there are several warm places men tend to like in Shiirhuang, not because of food but company...
Certainly! You have three nephews and a brother in law, they are in Shiinden though, it might be hard to catch them. We have to decide a date for a meeting.
He disappointed many people that evening. I could barely believe it..."
LIES °Yeah he is important and really connected.
We actually teach subject not connected with hotness.° he almost chocked with air when he says that about the father.
°Aniyo aniyo he will be happy to see you but you should call him Lord Luo when you see him in person.
Girls really take all the arm when you give them an hand. That's fine when I am not paying.°
Aventurine «Ah. Still, you too look quite sexy. Are you sure that he doesn't, even in secret?» It would be a family vice, with Sao :v
«Company? You mean courtesan houses? MingHao told me about those. Such sad places with sad and mean people inside.» Since prostitutes now are mostly criminals and people with really no better choice.
«I need to meet them all…»
YeolMin teaches a subject connected to hotness.
He gives some pats on Deidara's back. «Are you ok??»
He scratches his head. «Lord Luo, of course. I didn't plan to call him old Luo.»
Disaster "Well, I don't think he would have called him old fart, Deidara!" She snickers.
"Pft! What would BangSul think if I went to have dinner with you all, the only woman? He'd certainly be jealous!
Oh xiexie, you can look but not touch!" She snorts. "Maybe in secret, shi!
I'm glad you got the right idea of those places..."
LIES °If so I would understand totally.° he makes some coughs and stops as Shihao pats him, °Fine fine, I was not well. That is good then because he shouldn't know I call him like that too. I live in his house and I want to continue like that.
Yeah it is a shinobi thing, there is no problem if he comes but there will not he tuna peppers. Be clear about that.°