Miyuki HIbiki (Seraph of the end)

Miyuki Hibiki
15 (estimate)
Rank: Sergeant
Japanese Imperial Demon Army
Blood demon Company
Demon (for humans only): a female demon named Azura Magnolia


Physical Description:
She has white hair that covers half her face to cover a scar and light pink eyes and pale skin,her casual clothing looks formal, always in dresses and such

sweet, shy and kind Miyuki is mostly non-Verbal she will speak under certain circumstances, she's shy and quiet and is like a scared animal when she's under too much pressure

Akira Hibiki
Mitchi Izumi
Hajime Kanai
Chiharu Fujimori

Unnamed Mother [Deceased]
Unknown Father
Yuri (Younger sister) [Deceased]
Akira Hibiki (care taker)
Love intrest (for romance roleplays): Depends on roleplay but Ig Mikaela


Miyuki was about 6-7 when the apocalypse started her mother who had raised her and her 2 year old sister had passed away from the virus and she had never knew her father after her mother passed away she and her sister were taken to the vampire city

3 years later a vampire had killed her 5 year old sister in pure rage over something small after that Miyuki never really spoke other then when she really needed to a year later she heard that someone escaped but his friends had died after that she thought that she has nothing left to lose and tried to excape 3 times

frist time she got lost, and the 2nd time she was caught by a a Vampire boy about a year older then her named ‘Mika’ who instead of Killing her as most vamps would have he comforted her and walked her home, after that they would sneak away to talk to each other well Mika talked Miyuki wrote/drew to get her point across they mostly talked about there Families and Miyuki Had found some things about Mika Like He has a living family member named ‘Yuichiro’, Mika was once a human, Mika refuses to drink human blood and that Mika Is short for ‘Mikaela’ there friendship made Miyuki come to the conclusion that some vampires could be reasoned with

after another year she decided to try and excape before she turned 14 and succeeded but has she finally excape vampires had found her and were going to kill her she was saved but a higher ranked memeber of the army named Akira who killed the vampire and gen took her back to the city and brought her to a mental institution

after about week to a month in it the people realized it would be best to find a care taker for her and the person who saved her stepped in to take care of the 12-13 year old and gifted her a stuffed bunny she always carries around (execpt on the battle field) in which she named ‘Mika’ after her old friend as a reminder of him and was trained in fighting vampires by Akira

. Notes/Anything to add: Akira Hibiki is an oc my brother made to go along with mine :)
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2 | Nov 9th 2021 23:53