Elayne Rayyan (Supernatural OC)

Full Name: Elayne "Layne" Rayyan
Gender: Female
S/O: Bisexual
Day of Birth: Exact Date Unknown
Timeline: Before Humanity-present
Age: Thousands of Years Old (Vessel Appears to be 24)
Status: Alive
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Eye Color: One is a rich brown while the other is olive green
Species: Fallen Angel
Extra Species Classification: Angel (formerly)
and Human (formerly--vessel)
Vessel's Name: Andrea Cassano
Angel Based off of: Lailah
Occupation: Fallen Angel/Freelance Artist
Extra Occupational Information: Guardian Angel (formerly)
and College Student (formerly--vessel)
Affiliation: Gabriel
God (creator/father)
Archangels (siblings)
Angels (siblings)
The Darkness (aunt)
Jeanna Cassano(vessel mother) †
Clint Cassano (vessel father)
Powers (Powers retained only in her Fallen Form):
Super Strength
Telepathy: Can hear other angels' conversations in her mind.
Astral Perception: Can see the true form of demons and can see the presence of other holy beings
Magical Knowledge: Innate knowledge of any magical based sigils like the Enochian Sigil
Personality: Kind, respectful, protective, resilient, keeps to herself (since in hiding)

Background: Lailah was used to spending a lot of her time in the human world. She was a guardian angel who plucks souls from the Gardens of Eden to send down to the human world as babies. She would watch them and care for them and ultimately guide them to the afterlife after their death. She appreciate the role she was given because she got to live a normal life through them; however, when all the angels fell at the hands of Metatron, Lailah wasn't scared or angry like the others. She thought this was an opportunity for her to be able to live the life she always wanted. In the confusion and panic, Lailah disappeared from the angels' sights. Lailah found herself drifting to Ames, Iowa, which was an odd place to be drawn to except for the fact that a lot of the souls she cultivated were now there, and that made her feel at home.

How did Lailah get her human form? She ended up finding this college student named Andrea. The pain that exuded from Andrea's soul was enough to make even an angel cry. Andrea seemed to keep suffering loss after loss in her recent life. Friendships lost, grades dwindling, and then the death of her mother. Her world was spiraling out of control. Lailah heard her prays one day and came to her. Explaining herself to Andrea, Lailah promised to carry on with Andrea's life and give her the best life she could where she didn't have to deal with the emotions life put on her. Andrea agreed instantly and Lailah stepped in. After finishing out Andrea's education, Lailah took on the new identity, Elayne, and started what she thought would be the beginning of a peaceful human life. If only she knew...
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