(Realistic Character) Violet

Name: Violet Odion Sultan.

Age: 22

Gender: female

Violet Odion Sultan is relatively tall for a girl, about 5'7 in height. She has dark, chocolate skin and thick, black puffy hair. Usually, her hair can be done in various different kinds of styles. Often wavy. She has a pretty round face that tends to have at least one or two cuts from accidents. She's fairly curvy.

Violet is normally a quick thinker and a fast learner. She's a hyper-energetic, very extroverted person who is often easily influenced. She is generally a talented person but has extremely internalized low self-esteem issues. So she normally gravitates towards boys, and sometimes girls for attention and validation. Her ability to learn fasts allows her to find patterns and memorize data faster than most. She's a brought type of girl who likes to get her hands dirty, with a strong masculine singe. Though she often dresses and acts feminine to impress any man.

Engineering and maths. Violet has heightened intelligence with a natural ability to understand logic and pattern recognization. That makes her very good at solving math problems. And great at engineering. She's also quite studious which has allowed her to maintain decent grades through high school. So she graduated but never bothered applying for college.No one recommended that she could. She didn't bother opening her grades or attend graduation, but the envelope containing her grades is somewhere in a dusty cupboard.

Role in Gang:
Sex- Violet was the slut of the gang not really monogamous with any one guy and generally flirting with both the guys and girls. She often had sex with the gang leader and other members

Handyman- VIolet can fix stuff and a lot of stuff. She mainly helps with painting the gang member's cars saving costs on going to mechanics. She also fixes whatever the men generally needed. Violet is also the go-to person for making bullets and homemade guns.

Gang departure- Violet was forced to stay with her grandparents for the summer when she became pregnant at 18 for the baby's protection. She returned around a year later with the newborn but by then the gang had mostly died, been arrested or absorbed into other gangs. So, she went into becoming a mechanic. And she became really good at it, and also a nice doll for the customers to look at.
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17 | Sep 18th 2021 01:20