Kumi Asayo

Name: Kumi Asayo
Age: 17 to 23 (depending on roleplay)
Height: 5ft 7
Power/quirk: Reversal
Hair color: Long black hair
Eye Color: Ember
Bio: Kumi was unique in her own standards. Raised in a traditional setting with limited contact with modern things. When she was about 4 she discover her quirk of being able to reverse things. But it was dangerous if she lost control. When she discover her power she accidently broke a vase but she wave her hand and it reverse back to being a normal vase. It was odd to be able to control things through time but she couldn’t forward time or pause time just able to reverse time. It was a dark power in her family. No one spoke of it and most her family didn’t show they had this power.
When she got older she leaned to control her quirk to make it useful mostly as just a support role and fixing things. Kumi wouldn’t be much of a hero in her family eyes. She wanted prove them wrong that being able to reverse things can be a powerful power. But her fear if she touch someone or even fall for someone linger in her mind. Kumi wonder if she touch another person would she reverse there life or was it just a childish free and there was nothing to fear.
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2 | Aug 17th 2021 15:01