Plot twists

After that first meeting between (some) hunters and (some) monsters, as the alliance proceeds and more Alphas join their cause ,that kind of meetings keep being organized more and more often.
In this case, even Ezekiel is present, even though not exactly looking happy to be there. Nor like he is taking it as seriously as the others, but in truth, it's just the effect of Viktor's presence. He hates him so bad, he doesn't want to be in his same room and it's all just a natural effect indeed.
Jeremi agreed to come as well this time and of course, Crow didn't miss the chance to be there too, he wants to always be present in situations like this, even though, after his experience with Ezekiel, he is scared to death to be in his same room.

As usual it is a totally friendly meeting, so no weapons, no aggressions, no magic. And in order to make this very formal, despite their magic is really of no harm to anybody, Jeremi claims his son to de-transform, be in his normal look -as of course he was always with his Crowley look-.
«Of course, of course...» He sighs in an annoyed way, gives a slight glance to Ezekiel -who, to make it worse for him and distract himself from Viktor, is staring at him all the time with a creepy smirk-.
Now, a thing about Shifters is that, when it comes to take their real look, they have two ways: trasform into themselves, literally -which is the most immediate, so they always goes for that, but it requires to keep the magic up- or de-transform, thus just "turn off" the magic to be what they really are.
There is something about Crow nobody knows, not even his father. Even when turning into the red haired guy, that's a lie, it's not him, not quite, but even Jeremi thinks that it is so and only given the circumstances.
So, Crow immediately turns into the ginger guy, absolutely not wanting Jeremi to force him to de-transform, as being the Alpha, he has this power and it would uncover a long hidden truth.

«I said, de-transform, not transform into yourself. No magic means no magic and it's also for you.»

«Why would it matter, why this bother for nothing? It won't harm anyone if I just stay this way, come on...»

«Do I have to repeat myself?»
To that, Crow rolls his eyes and pretends to de-transform, but he can't trick his father, nor half of the Alphas there. The magic is easily felt by them.
«You seriously did it.» Meaning, trying to trick him, the Alpha. And considering that de-transforming is not such a big deal, just slightly more effort consuming than transforming, he can definitely tell that there is something weird.
Jeremi raises his hand, with its palm towards Crow.
«Father, wait, DO-» Usual ginger-guy-Crow voice. «NT» Cute, sweet...feminine voice. «What have you done...» She murmurs that and a very quick, guilty glance to Conny then covers her face and bursts in tears. Yes, Crow, is actually a girl in real. But before anybody could do or say anything -helped by that moment of shock, especially for Jeremi- she runs away from the place, feeling so tremendously ashamed and vulnerable.

Her story is quite a whole mess, from even before she was born.
Her mother, was actually pregnant of two twins, which is also what almost killed her. Anyhow, the babies were two, a boy and a girl. Naturally, they had already their powers back then, but they couldn't possibly have the awareness to control them, all over the pregnancy, they just kept switching shape one another hundreds of times until they were born.
Normally it doesn't go like that, they need at least a contact of some sort with the person they transform into, so that kind of situations can happen only with Shifters twins.
Case wants that when they were born, their shape was indeed switched. Carlie, the girl, was born as a male. Crow, the male, was born as a female. And the real male baby didn't survive. But Jeremi couldn't really think that they had switched their look and all that. He named the dead baby Carlie, to honor "her" memory, just before the corpse disappeared.

What happened to his wife, the loss of one of the baby, messed up Jeremi pretty badly and he took the fact Crow was alive and so totally healthy as some sort of negative things, almost like an offence considering what happened to mother and twin. So he really never paid any attention to his firstborn, nor really cared for or about him. He just let their servants raise him, just like that.
And even Crow was beyond convinced to be that, the ginger head kid, after transforming into someone else to troll the nanny, he would always take that shape again.
A Shifter manages to fully manage its powers when about 14 years old, prior to that, 0-6 they transform very randomly, into any kid -even from a picture- that catches their attention. 6-10 they can turn into anyone, but of their size, they can not yet change their height to match with that of the person they are turning into. 10-14 they learn to de-transform and fully shape themselves into anybody, no matter the feature.
And that's exactly when Crow got 14 that he found out the truth about herself. She was practicing, all alone in her room and after turning into one of the maids, she decided to try to de-transform, for the first time. That's where she herself almost had a stroke. In front of the mirror, she was expecting to see the usual silly ginger haired kid, instead, a girl. With super long hair, as it was never cut in 14 years. It was a great shock to her, literally, it messed her up big time, she thought she was a guy. It also scared her a lot, she couldn't explain it to herself, is it possible that she turned into the other kid while newborn and no one ever noticed she became male? She didn't even know she had a twin when she was born. And for some reasons, she really feared Jeremi's reaction to this, she didn't want him to know, even more than anybody else.

During the following days she investigated a little, sneaking inside her father's room while he was away, with the look of the maid of course. That's where she found a thingie in memory of the dead baby, a picture of a baby girl, with the name -Carlie- and the birth date. -17th April, year 136- Crow's exact same birthday. It was the clear proof, it told her everything about what could have happened. She was Carlie, while Crow died, but everyone thought she is Crow.
At first, she thought it could be somewhat fun. Nobody in the world knew her real look, not even Jeremi. Plus she really wanted to learn about herself, what she is like, what does she like? So far she lived Crow's life, liked what he would have liked and so on.
She started to sneak out of home whenever she could, despite Jeremi forbid her to meet with anybody outside their mansion. But she was curious and wanted to explore, both the world and herself. Sadly though, the fun lasted little. Those were dark times, when the Wars among families just begun, when women were treated like lessers by most men, basically, the beginning of what would bring to the Curse, centuries ahead. Crow knew nothing of it, she was always inside that mansion for her entire life, she thought out there it was all parties and fun, instead, she ended up in the wrong hands right away and got abused. To her, it was literally "day 1 as a girl, last day as a girl". It made her completely unwilling to be herself ever again, it made her hate to be a she, being a male made her always feel so much safer and protected, no one would ever do that kind of things to a man.
It took her almost 1000 years before she again turned into a woman, even though not herself. In fact, she never turned into herself again after that, until about 1052 when she headed on Earth with a friend and where she met Crowley, the real one, the one from which she took the "favorite look". She always had quite a crush on him, which is why she de-transformed back then. But after that, for over 400 more years she kept being everybody except herself. Till the day of that meeting.

**She looks pretty young despite her age, as the trauma she got back then really compromised her actual growth, also the fact she was never in her true form while growing up.

(Ofc you can freely choose whichever of your chars was present in that meeting and thus saw Crow's real shape, no need to RP here though!)
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2 | Mar 31st 2016 18:56