
Full name: Jamie Gueir
Sex/ gender: male
Age: 18-22 (depending on rp)

Physical description:
•Blonde hair
•manicured nails

Usual style:
> Sweatshirts
> baggy jeans
> overalls
> beanies
> sweatpants
> corduroy shorts
> thrifted sweaters
> doc martens

Personal info:
* sexual orientation- homosexual
* sub/ dom?- sub
* top/ bottom?- bottom
* marital status- single
* home life- stable
* mental illnesses- anxiety, adhd, depression

~ favourite food: english muffins
~ favourite drink: honey and lavender tea
~ favourite sport: n/a
~ favourite music: indie
~ favourite colour: brown
~ hobbies: drawing, jewelry making, reading, baking, journaling, spirituality
~ likes: animals. baking. berries. nature. lakes and streams. flowers. crystals. tea. helping others
~ dislikes: strangers. being told to calm down. whispering. big groups. talking about his problems

。 mother- Annie (alive)
。 father- William Gueir (alive)

Bio: Jamie was born in a nice small town to a loving mother and father. He’s an only child so all his life he’s been spoiled and got whatever he wanted. However when he reached age 6 his parents started noticing something wasn’t right. He was up at 3 am waking his mom up to play with him, taking toys from other kids at the playground just to play with them until he got bored and wanted a different one, running around the doctors office when he was told to sit. After doing research they finally decided to go to the doctor and Jamie was diagnosed with adhd. It caused him to be homeschooled through elementary and middle school since he was always getting into trouble. When he was ready for high school he was put on meds which helped him a bit. His anxiety started when he realized he was on his own in that big two story school with tons of teenagers. He often got bullied for being “different” since he didn’t know how to make friends the right way. He started self harming and crying in his room afterwards but he always put on a smile for his parents and the few friends he did have.
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3 | Jul 13th 2021 05:07