
Name: Jinx
Gender: Female
Age: 23-30
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Occupation: UA teacher / Pro-hero
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: NA
Eye Color: Multi-color
Skin Color: White
Nationality: NA
School: UA
Year: Teacher
Distinguishing Features: None
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name:Magician
Costume: She dresses like a magician
Quirk: Magic (there IS a quirk called this in the manga..but all it does is make hoops or something, this is different)
Weapons: Her wand
Gadgets/Tech: Smoke bombs, and a special hat
Likes: Magic tricks, being with friends
Dislikes: Being made fun of
Habits: Magic tricks
Fears: A lot of things...
Family: She is all alone
Romantic Interests: None
Allies: Shard, Storm, Margret, Clay, and Chi
Rivals: Margret
Enemies: League of Villains
Physical Weaknesses: Physically she is average and relies on long-ranged attacks
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Mentally is about the same, and she is quite easy to trick.
Name of your quirk:Magic
Description: She is able to do small...tricks, from making people disappear into a hat, to making doves appear...to shoot fire from her wand. She also has the ability to cast spells, though the full power of that is unknown to her
Strength: Very versatile
Weaknesses: She is still quite unaware of all its power, plus it has little close-range capability
What age did you obtain it: 8
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): she was doing a magic trick for her friends, she was intending to do a cliche trick, but when she tapped her hat..REAL DOVES flew out!
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0 | Apr 16th 2021 03:46