Steve (MHA OC)

Gender: Male
Age: 20-28
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: UA teacher / Pro-hero
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: White
Hair Type: NA
Eye Color: His eyes are default they look almost lava red, but they..change passively
Skin Color: White
Nationality: NA
School: UA
Year: Teacher
Distinguishing Features: None
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Storm
Costume: He wears a norse style jacket and makes sure it allows for easy movement since he needs to move fast with his quirk
Weapons: NA
Gadgets/Tech: NA (he doesn't like extra stuff)
Likes: Fighting/sparing, being with friends
Dislikes: Staying still to long (He has a hard time getting to bed)
Habits: Running around late at night just to tire himself out, passing out in a park near his house
Fears: his overcofidence will be the death of his friends...
Family: None
Romantic Interests: None
Allies: Shard, Chi, Margret, Jinx and Clay
Rivals: Shard, Chi and Clay
Enemies: Villians
Physical Weaknesses:He has yet to find one
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Threats that he knows you can carry out
Name of your quirk: Disaster
Description: He can create any natural disaster he wants, HOWEVER, he has to have experienced it enough to understand how it happens. Ex. He must understand an Earthquake otherwise he wont be able to scale magnitude
Strength: He is always studying so it is nearly endless in power
Weaknesses: He has to clap/ punch or do some sort of gensure to activate it, so being bound is a huge weakness. Also Being unaware of disasters that can help
What age did you obtain it: 8
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He was playing outside with his friends and they were trying to find something...!! when suddenly the forest caught on fire! In panic Storm accidently clapped his hands...which caused a rain storm to spawn and put out the fire!
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0 | Apr 16th 2021 03:12