Kella (Koro's twin sister)

Name: Kella
Gender: Female
Age: 16-18
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: UA student/hero in training
Height: 6'0
Weight: 130
Hair Color: golden
Hair Type: Fur but more lion like then wolf like
Eye Color: Red/orange (like mini-suns)
Skin Color: Hard to know with her quirk
Nationality: NA
School: UA (Student)
Year: 1st
Distinguishing Features: She has a sort've mane even when she's not in her beast form, she is also the inverse to Koro, she has a very calming aura
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: nemean
Costume: She sports a roman-style battle suit
Quirk: Lion
Weapons: Her claws
Gadgets/Tech: She wears a vest to protect her body from the moons glow to dampen its effect.
Likes: Her brother
Dislikes: Her parents
Habits: She likes to sunbathe
Fears: Her brother dying
Family: Her twin brother and her parents, similar to Koro, her parents are dead to her
Romantic Interests: None
Allies: Koro
Rivals: Koro
Enemies: her parents
Physical Weaknesses: She is physically weaker then Koro in most senses
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: In inverse, she is mentally stronger then him
Name of your quirk: Lion
Description: Allows her to transform to a lion beast form, by default she looks somewhat lion-like, but similar to the "dragon" quirk, she can full-transform
Strength: She is extremely powerful in sunlight
Weaknesses: She is quite prideful and is also very weakended at night.
What age did you obtain it: 8
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Similar to Koro, they were running, although as the moon set and the sun rose, her quirk awoke, allowing her to carry her tired brother to safety
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